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  1. #121
    Community Member The_Deceiver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    [QUOTE=markthornberg;3668344]Thank you for all your replies.

    Also, I think Ungood’s first post on page 1 has a very nice suggestion for a tool that could help pugs work better. However, it might also just make the situation worse. If a newbie gets instructions from the foul mouth, the newbie cannot turn that mouth off. It’s like your employer telling you why and how he needs you in a way that makes you feel like a toilet brush. In a similar vein, I don’t believe using Audacity or Fraps to allow the language-crusaders further means of surveillance is a good idea. As Nicnivyn said, just stick to using voice chat for what it’s there for: guidance. If you don’t want to do that, don’t do difficult, high-end content with PUGs. Organize a guild on your premises and recruit people who agree with your values. Of course, you could apply that same strategy for gathering raids and then language wouldn’t be an issue, as krackythehoodedone mentions (#35). Personally I love swearing exactly because: “Profanity scales with passion. The more one cares about the game, the more he [sic] is inclined to swear.” (Kmnh, #28). But there’s no reason to share it if you’re in a group that doesn’t appreciate it. Use tells or setup a channel for you and the others in the group who want to see it, as Raoull said (#58), and restrict yourself to that written medium for the time being (of course you could also just buy your own Ventrilo or TeamSpeak where you can invite your friends and do as you please). A good example of language in the extreme is provided by The_Deceiver (#115). If I had such an assault targeted at me for the sole reason of not knowing a detail, I would most certainly put in a lot of work to get it on Fraps, mainly to put it on YouTube and then on my Facebook.

    Wow somone acually mentioned somthing good about Ole' Heavyarms. Brings a tear to my eye. Or if I am misunderstood and its somthing bad then...... t(^_^t)

  2. #122
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Deceiver View Post
    Wow somone acually mentioned somthing good about Ole' Heavyarms. Brings a tear to my eye. Or if I am misunderstood and its somthing bad then...... t(^_^t)

    Well it depends on the part you play :-) Or the part you wanna play, sort of :-P If someone annihilates you, make a laugh of it. But it aint easy ;-) I'm easily misled by flame bait myself though.

  3. #123
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    We all know, without Heavyarms it would be so boring... Of course, one more guy like him and Cannith would be crashed forever, so just careful there!

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