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  1. #41
    Community Member crazy7381's Avatar
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    This is why the esrb cannot rate online interaction b/c you got the cool guys and the d-bags. You cannot control voice chat by trying to censor it. That is why if you are a kid or have kids that play really consider turning voice off or maybe pick a different game like tellitubbys.

    People are entitled to react overact or just be a plain jerk. The best part however is you are also entitled to not run with them, ragequit, or react back. Really this is no way to justify recording everyones conversation looking for a few bad eggs. Just flip the bird, ragequit, squelch, move on with a smile.
    Can I get some + rep love I miss my green squares =-(

    Repeat Offenders-Leader and currently only member woot!
    Quazicotl, Quazihealz

  2. #42
    Community Member THOTHdha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markthornberg View Post
    Let me clarify. You join a raid through the LFM system. You feel tense because it's the first time you do this raid and you know mistakes are not always well taken. You listen to the instructions but no one said anything about not hitting the mephits if they had been fascinated. By now the reader I'm addressing should know what I'm talking about.

    Instead of telling the guy hitting the mephits, hey dude that’s not good, the bard goes on a frenzy and annihilates his face on voice chat. Shortly after the poor fella disconnects.
    In my experience, most leaders are very willing to just go over what to expect, and what to do / not do if someone just says that they are new to the raid. But when someone hides the fact that they don't know what's going on people just assume that everyone does, since all of this content has been around for such a long time now.

    Try just saying up front that you are new to this, and ask if there is anything you need to watch out for. Most raid leaders are very willing to comply, but it can cause major problems if someone does something unexpected part way through the run.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seliana View Post
    So if someone cut you off in traffic and caused you to swerve and almost wreck your car, you wouldn't swear at them? Driving, much like DDO is a team based effort. It requires people paying attention, watching what others are doing, and knowledge of how the system works to be successful. People that don't do this cause wrecks, or in DDO's case: Wipes.
    You're comparing a possibility of death or permanent disability to a DDO Raid wipe? seriously? basketball is a team sport. Even in NBA finals, do you see anyone swear if they fumble a pass or miss a throw, even if that cost the team the game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Seliana View Post
    You believe people wouldn't yell at drivers who are an endangerment to their safety? Causing a raid wipe is an endangerment to other players investment of time and effort for their personal enjoyment and fun.
    If your idea of fun is yelling at people, you may need to see a psychiatrist. I was once one of those people, so I understand where they are coming from. The game used to be really tough, and you really got stressed out playing it. After everyone does something silly, and you almost kill yourself dragging all their stones to the shrine.. you just want to let out all the accumulated stress.

    After things got easier, it just never seemed worth it any more. It was just accumulated stress from almost dying trying to save them. The thing is though, eventually you learn a few things :

    1. If you're here playing a game, you are wasting time. You are not investing time and effort. If you are then it is a bad investment, what payoff can you expect in completing it? if you want to invest time and effort, far better to get a job, at least you get something you can use in the real world.

    2. These people aren't better, they are just more experienced. DDO as it stands now is a very complicated (albeit fun) maze. Once you run it enough times, you know how it works. It makes no sense to yell at someone because he is less experienced than you. Given enough time, you could make an AI that can play this game better than any human can. And faster.

    3. Okay walk here, fight this, stand here, don't stand there. Obey orders without question. Does this sound like fun to you? It sounds like a job to me. If you want to go someplace where no one tells you anything, but everyone tells you what to do, why don't you get a job?

    4. Have you considered recording the session and posting it at youtube or somewhere? you might have a different persective if you were watching it instead of participating in it.

    5. Teams in the NBA finals are playing for reputations that can cost millions in gate receipts, but no one swears if someone blows a pass or misses a throw. Top NBA players are worth millions, how much is the best DDO player worth?
    Last edited by Tom318; 03-19-2011 at 10:52 AM.

  4. #44
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom318 View Post
    5. Teams in the NBA finals are playing for reputations that can cost millions in gate receipts, but no one swears if someone blows a pass or misses a throw.
    {any sport}
    You don't pay attention when the camera flips to one of of coaches after a player flub?

    Top NBA players are worth millions,...
    {any sport}
    And that is WAY too much for any of them.

    ... how much is the best DDO player worth?
    Approx $9.99/mo, plus auxiliary TP purchases...

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #45
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seliana View Post
    So if someone cut you off in traffic and caused you to swerve and almost wreck your car, you wouldn't swear at them?
    Totally depends. If I was alone, I would find on fault to curse, swear, call them every name under the sun perhaps. If it made me feel better.

    But, How about, if you had five strangers in the car? would you launch into a tirade of profanities then? How about a co-worker? How about your boss? How about your mother, child, or spouse?

    Better yet, if someone cut you off in traffic, would you get out of your car, run over to them curse and yell at them to their face, screaming all kinds of profanities, all the whole while jumping up and down on their car?


    Now, while, I am sure some people might do that, Those people are considered lacking basic common graces (Total nut jobs is what they are really called), and as it seems, from these posts, that opinion does change just because they do it in-game.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    You don't pay attention when the camera flips to one of of coaches after a player flub?
    He is not playing the game. Do you see any of the players swear? :P

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    And that is WAY too much for any of them.
    Doesn't change the fact that they are worth that much

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Approx $9.99/mo, plus auxiliary TP purchases...

    LOL.. and that only if they're actually subscribers

  7. #47
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom318 View Post
    Do you see any of the players swear? :P

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    What seriously? Imma go look for the videos now

    EDIT : LOL, I stand corrected, I guess the players do swear, but mostly at themselves
    Last edited by Tom318; 03-19-2011 at 11:28 AM.

  9. #49
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    cute, but I need to be able to hear my wife family over the game. Sorry but a bunch of cussing profane driven people do not trump my wife asking me to take out the trash
    I'm an at-home Dad, so I fully understand both the need to hear your family, as well as not want them to hear some of the more 'colorful' banter that can happen as a part of online gaming.

    A headset is more then cute - it's essential.

    I play with one headphone on - one off. This way, I can hear the game and my family. It also makes voice-chat a lot easier on the party when I push to talk, since it minimizes some of the background noise.

    Just a suggestion to help you with your problem.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #50
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    DDO wipes are like car accidents??!!

    That was just.... strange, man - try to live in the real world, not in a virtual one...

  11. #51
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I'm an at-home Dad, so I fully understand both the need to hear your family, as well as not want them to hear some of the more 'colorful' banter that can happen as a part of online gaming.

    A headset is more then cute - it's essential.

    I play with one headphone on - one off. This way, I can hear the game and my family. It also makes voice-chat a lot easier on the party when I push to talk, since it minimizes some of the background noise.

    Just a suggestion to help you with your problem.
    I second this. You can buy headsets that don't even have two earpieces. Mine only has one, and allows me to immerse in the game, and hear what is around me at the same time.
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  12. #52
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Default Its Only a Game!

    Honest mistakes, deaths, wipes and yes failures do not warrant finger-pointing and expletives directed at the supposed purpetrator

    It is still a game.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    Honest mistakes, deaths, wipes and yes failures do not warrant finger-pointing and expletives directed at the supposed purpetrator

    It is still a game.

    the official home of LOLWUT
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  14. #54
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aurora1979 View Post
    Im sorry but I cant get behind this analogy.

    If my driving caused a risk to you, your family or friends then yes shouting and swearing is more acceptable.

    Its NEVER acceptable in a game. Never. It happens, sure, we all lose our rag. But if that happens man up and apologise.

    If you want a closer analogy, if you were sitting on a train drinking a coffee and doing your crossword, and someone nudged you and spilt your drink over your paper.... would you start a ranting swearing tirade? I reakon most people wouldnt for 2 reasons.

    1. Everyones going to think your a loon.

    2. The person your swearing at will probably think your reaction is excessive and if threatened would probably smack you in the chops.

    Notice how in my analogy all thats at risk is a bit of time and some inconvieniance (assuming you dont get 3rd degree burns i guess.....) Your analogy is someone endangering your life.

    We aint your mates, we aint your parents and nobody has any right to swear profusly at people.

    Note here, im not even talking about swearing in general, thats a different discussion but swearing in front of someones one thing, swearing AT someone is different and bang out of line.
    While I agree with you that it's kind of silly to equate a brush with death in real life to someone yelling and cursing at another player in game, I think the analogy can be taken another direction, although, I'm not sure that the interpretation is what the original author had intended.

    What do road rage and mmo perfectionist nerd rage have in common? The ability to vent one's frustrations about ones own personal inadequicies without fear of any real or lasting consequences. Think of the offending automobile as the drivers avatar. The guy who has to swerve isn't mad at the driver of the auto (because that driver represents an actual threat), he instead focuses his frustration on the vehicle because it's an inanimate object.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  15. #55
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    I think the best way to approach this is to take the actual situation that is being discussed and avoid overcomplicating the issue by trying to compare it to imagined situations which are not related and then trying to argue that your analogy is indeed related, creating and endless loop of different analogies that other people feel are more relevant but can never be more relevant than the actual situation that the OP has outlined.

    “It’s like” < “It is”

  16. #56
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Im gonna run around with a giant axe and completely maim and kill everything that i can.After this im going to cast hot firewalls on top of things and watch them burn to death.While this i feel is ok once you pull out those big mean bad words i will have a tantrum about how these words offend me and can i please get back to slaughtering every living thing in my path without little four letter words hurting my feeelings... waaaaaaaa

    its sad when people are ok with violence and killing in their video game but get offended by language..I for one love my violent video games and i love my four letter words as well..
    Last edited by twix; 03-19-2011 at 02:59 PM.

  17. #57
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twix View Post
    Im gonna run around with a giant axe and completely maim and kill everything that i can.After this im going to cast hot firewalls on top of things and watch them burn to death.While this i feel is ok once you pull out those big mean bad words i will have a tantrum about how these words offend me and can i please get back to slaughtering every living thing in my path without little four letter words hurting my feeelings... waaaaaaaa

    its sad when people are ok with violence and killing in their video game but get offended by language..I for one love my violent video games and i love my four letter words as well..
    I think most of the offense isn't in the language (not none, mind you...). Me, personally? I don't care about the language at all. If some guy goes off on himself or a mob in a humorous way, it wouldn't bother me a bit.

    It is the malice that is offensive. To berate some guy for not playing a game as competently as you'd like is inexcusable. Inform them what they did wrong. Offer to give advice if they want.... and using tells instead of public rooms is the way to handle mistakes if you want to bother talking to someone about them. But profanely berating someone due to gameplay is not.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

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  18. #58
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twix View Post
    Im gonna run around with a giant axe and completely maim and kill everything that i can.After this im going to cast hot firewalls on top of things and watch them burn to death.While this i feel is ok once you pull out those big mean bad words i will have a tantrum about how these words offend me and can i please get back to slaughtering every living thing in my path without little four letter words hurting my feeelings... waaaaaaaa

    its sad when people are ok with violence and killing in their video game but get offended by language..I for one love my violent video games and i love my four letter words as well..
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  19. #59
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raoull View Post
    I think most of the offense isn't in the language (not none, mind you...). Me, personally? I don't care about the language at all. If some guy goes off on himself or a mob in a humorous way, it wouldn't bother me a bit.

    It is the malice that is offensive. To berate some guy for not playing a game as competently as you'd like is inexcusable. Inform them what they did wrong. Offer to give advice if they want.... and using tells instead of public rooms is the way to handle mistakes if you want to bother talking to someone about them. But profanely berating someone due to gameplay is not.
    cant lie didnt read much in this thread...but i will say i actually find it hilarious when people flip out in this game even if its directed at me...

  20. #60
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    I think the best way to approach this is to take the actual situation that is being discussed and avoid overcomplicating the issue by trying to compare it to imagined situations which are not related and then trying to argue that your analogy is indeed related, creating and endless loop of different analogies that other people feel are more relevant but can never be more relevant than the actual situation that the OP has outlined.

    “It’s like” < “It is”
    I agree, it's kind of like trying to hammer a nail with a piece of paper.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

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