Quote Originally Posted by Engar1 View Post
With saves high as it is and the need to spec and gear heavily for epic crowd control, does this mostly eliminate the use of spells with saves in epics?

I think all the crowd control spells have saves and if those saves go up even marginally the use of arcane crowd control may become ineffective or at least inefficient (multiple castings for minimal success).

I am trying to decipher the role of my caster in this new system. Kiting while melee pick one off at a time? DPS, single target perhaps to avoid the former choice? Buffs, like a bard but not at good? Perhaps add a few locked doors with intelligence runes into epic content? Do future DDO casters spec for tons of threat reduction and befriend the intimidate tanks (all three of them?). LOL, okay, I am *mostly* kidding here. But I really am a bit lost how to redefine the arcane casters' role (especially when considering multiple epic mobs and a loss of crowd control).
I guess you missed the memo a few updates ago, went something like this:

From now on casters will be haste/buff bots.....that is all!

j/k..but seems like it sometimes.