Devs reported Deepwood Sniper is up next, likely Update 10.
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
Rangers get nerfed by default in comparison to some other classes.
THF specable classes get:
50% Increased glancing blow DPS vs helpless mobs (currently provides no increase)
50% Increase bonus dice for classes that get those vs helplless (Berserker, Knight of the Chalice)
TWF specable classes (eg: Ranger) get:
Reduced dmg vs autocritables, since they genrall rely on x3/4 crit twf type weps. Ofcourse this applies to THF as well, tho less since TWF relies less on this for its dps source (as glancing blows never crit)
Melee rangers in general have a poor pre. (tempest) which is planned to be improved to be more in line with the current better PrES (Palemaster, Archmage, and upcoming sorc/fvs ones) but exactly when? unknown.
Oh I agree, but that was in update 5
That doesn't compute, 50% more damage is 50% more damage regardless of the source. I don't know any high-end THFers who don't twitch so glancing blows are out of the equation and you get 80-100% more weapon procs on TWF.
The first two tiers are okay but the third one needs work, hopefully Turbine gets this.
Rangers need about a 20% increase on ranged dps and melee damage! That extra damage would not break that class. This is my first toon and it is hard getting into parties on a quest at higher lvls. Maybe rangers have more damage on TR builds. I plan on finding out when I hit lvl 20. Most Ranger spells need a boost to spells like snare! At lower lvls they're cool, but at higher lvls their pointless. The summons suck too, I just use them for mobs to aggro on.
lol you have a very select crew you run with then. In my experience over 95% of players have no idea how to twitch, at least not correctly or accurately.
The ones that do? Also smart enough to know when not too. It will be more dps not to twitch vs helpless mobs in update9 at least for classes with lots of bonus dice and full thf line.. Almost killing twitch entirely for barbarians.. Final nail in the coffin to speak.
A sad thought indeed.
It's why I said HIGH-END THFersYou're right about most players but the ones I see who utterly destroy everything in their path twitch.
I think you're probably right about auto-attack being more DPS against stuff in a helpless state regarding THFing, we'll have to test this when it goes live.