Will be on Saturday and Sunday morning/afternoon.
Just looking for a few people around my level to gather some crystals in the cove. Have run the quest a few times solo at level successfully (around 40-50 extra per run) but hoping to get a larger shard haul with a group. Maybe run around the island a bit too if it's closed beforehand. Willing to take on whatever role the group needs, defend the kobolds, kill the skellies, lay torches, scout for crystals, etc.
So if you've got some toons around that level let me know. My IG name is Kharton give me a tell in game, or you can post here, send a pm, use ESP to contact me, send smoke signals, etc etc.
Would prefer people who have run the quest before and know what they are doing somewhat, but even if you haven't run it before it's ok. (I'm no expert on it, but I've run it several times and done ok)