So Im going to make my Human barb fat. What I liked about the human was I could take the THF line, toughness and stunning blow, as well as the healing amp (heal scrolls would hit me for 330+, aura crits 120+, I would live where WF die). Now with the TR I only get a measly 7 feats; cleave, IC:slashing, PA, THF, ITHF, GTHF and toughness. Leaving no room for the barb past life and stunning blow, a feat I used all the time in epics.
So at first I thought I would drop ITHF and GTHF because a toon with no ac should never stand still, but apparently glancing blows stack on top of your regular blows to single targets, alot of DPS while tanking.
Also I could take 2 levels of fighter but I need to figure if losing the capstone is worth the rage which someone told me stacked on top of the barb rage.
The Third option is to go pure fighter and take a bunch of toughness's, although I dont ever want barb fatigue, and im to lazy to drink restore pots all the time, so it seems a waste of a past life.