Well, my baby Rogue is just about at Assassin 3, at which point she'll have 99% of the perks of being of an assassin rogue: assassinate; +3d6 sneak dice extra; and vorpal ability.
However, it's the last 2 levels I'm unsure about.
If I stay pure, I'd have +5d6 extra sneak damage (4d6 from capstone; 1d6 from level 19) and +2 int.
The int is marginally useful for a boost to all trapskills and to assassinate, although neither area has posed difficulties this far the majority of the time.
The 5d6, while a massive loss, doesn't seem all that bad considering she already slaughters things with the currently 12d6 extra damage. Granted, raid mobs are different as the fights are a little longer, so that dps differential could really add up, but those situations are somewhat unique and the majority of the time things die quickly enough that an extra 5d6 might not be noticeable.
So if I go the multiclassing option, I'm thinking /Ftr1 /Rgr1. Monk is obviously appealing, but I'd like to stick with leathers (woowoo T3 Duelist Leather's), not to mention having to put a few points into /Wis and carry a +6 wis item, which is a PITA - I'm already worried about Str, Dex, Con, Int, and Cha....
Fighter1 for the +10hp (enhancement), +1 feat, and full martial access; and /Ranger1 for full bow access and str damage to bows, run speed boost (I hate running slowly after playing a monk), resistance clicky, and +3dmg to one enemy type.
I should also add that she's a Half-elf currently with Fighter dile.
So splashing /Fighter would open up the martial weapon access the dile grants, and allow me to switch to Barb dile for a free +20hp (30 if you count the Ftr enhancement).
Is staying pure really worth it? Seems like it could be for raids; but for grouping/solo the toys received from splashing are awfully tempting!