I have some forumites ignored. Their posts just get under my skin, or I believe they really get a kick out of being argumentative. I dont know what it is about these posters, but they are on my "Dont wanna read it list".
Unfortunately, the DDO forums hide the post, but they still show that the post is there. And they give you a 'View Post' button to tempt you to read the grand wisdom. I, too often, have fallen prey to this button, and clicked it, only to think - WHY did I do that?
So a quick search, and a little poking around lead me to RIP - Remove It Permanently.
Install it (addon under firefox). Then create a new rip with the url of:
Then add a new xPath of:
(Explanation: Remove any table from the DDO forums that has a link in it where the text is the name of the forumite you don't wish to see. Each post in the DDO forums is a separate table - remove the table, the whole post disappears)
Add this xPath to remove any "Originally Posted By SO-AND-SO" quotes in other peoples posts:
Now, any post by that user on the DDO forums is COMPLETELY invisible to you. You wont even know its there. It will jump from post 14 to 16 without nary a hint that that the ignored user ever posted.
It's gonna save me some grief. Just thought I'd share. I'm sure some people will add ME to their list, but, hey, mental health comes at no small cost!
Its going to save me SO many infraction points.