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  1. #41
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    37 DC is not low, it may be low for Epics but that's because Epics as it is are absurdly overpowered.
    Epic is epic, its not overpowered... its Epic. Its absolutely not meant to be easy.

    You don't have some raid content items, which means you have to do ''normal difficulty'' content before doing ''epic content'' which is, or was, clearly intended.

    Thus, saying that Epics are absurdly overpowered isn't true, its just that you aren't geared enough yet for some of thoses epics. At the moment, you can do some of the epic without being geared to do so. But for the ''Epic epic content'' (Mainly eChrono), you do have to be really well geared from previous epic content.

    True, at the moment casters are mainly CC'ers. I do agree with the rework to epic, but saying that, at the moment, epic is overpowered while you're not geared because you skipped some content gear (you admited you don't have a +dreamspitter/Xachosian, +3 exeptionnal bonuses to your casting stat, +3/4 tome...etc) is a missconception.

  2. #42
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kralael View Post
    Epic is epic, its not overpowered... its Epic. Its absolutely not meant to be easy.

    You don't have some raid content items, which means you have to do ''normal difficulty'' content before doing ''epic content'' which is, or was, clearly intended.

    Thus, saying that Epics are absurdly overpowered isn't true, its just that you aren't geared enough yet for some of thoses epics. At the moment, you can do some of the epic without being geared to do so. But for the ''Epic epic content'' (Mainly eChrono), you do have to be really well geared from previous epic content.

    True, at the moment casters are mainly CC'ers. I do agree with the rework to epic, but saying that, at the moment, epic is overpowered while you're not geared because you skipped some content gear (you admited you don't have a +dreamspitter/Xachosian, +3 exeptionnal bonuses to your casting stat, +3/4 tome...etc) is a missconception.
    No, actually what I was really trying to say is casters can contribute more than just Mass Hold...even in eChrono, it's just some people do not want to try alternative tactics.

    What I love about changes to the game is it actually sparks some imagination in the playerbase and makes them have to crawl out of there tiny little boxes and think again...sadly it never lasts nearly long enough.

    I agree epic should be a challenge.....I don't even care about getting that stuff honestly to boost my enchantment DC's tho, if I am going to be rejected from an Epic because I am not a one trick pony, then I don't want any part of that content or the people who can only do that content one way.

    Sorry, but that's broken, not balanced.

    I refuse to play only one tiny little part when my character is capable of so many. A rogue that only disables is not a rogue, a caster that only casts Mass Hold is not a caster, a cleric that only heals is not a cleric, a melee that thinks they are going to win everything by brute force is an idiot.......blah blah etc etc.

    Wow, u know, Mass Hold is no longer auto crit, WoF is not the only DPS spell anymore...I for one say hooray.....variety is the spice of life...and I hate bland food.

    To put it simply, some people just don't enjoy there food here anymore and don't even realize it.
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 03-22-2011 at 07:19 PM.

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