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Epic is epic, its not overpowered... its Epic. Its absolutely not meant to be easy.
You don't have some raid content items, which means you have to do ''normal difficulty'' content before doing ''epic content'' which is, or was, clearly intended.
Thus, saying that Epics are absurdly overpowered isn't true, its just that you aren't geared enough yet for some of thoses epics. At the moment, you can do some of the epic without being geared to do so. But for the ''Epic epic content'' (Mainly eChrono), you do have to be really well geared from previous epic content.
True, at the moment casters are mainly CC'ers. I do agree with the rework to epic, but saying that, at the moment, epic is overpowered while you're not geared because you skipped some content gear (you admited you don't have a +dreamspitter/Xachosian, +3 exeptionnal bonuses to your casting stat, +3/4 tome...etc) is a missconception.