I haven't played a lot of epics, but here's my 2 cp. I have a capped bard with no GS, non-TRed, just some raid gear, and non-epic gear and most of my spells have a hard time landing except Otto's Irresistible Dance.
Some folks are worried bout the increased mob saves, and I am too. But I think this is a warranted step considering the new abilities coming up - e.g. the save debuffs of the FvS PRE. And now with Sorcs getting "Awakan Element Weakness" and buff to damage, whereby (presumably) that even if the mobs save on the sorc's DC, the mobs are still getting more damaged (and considering the mobs will have lower hp). Not to mention the introduction of new PREs in the past year e.g. Bard PRE II, archmages/palemaster etc, monks getting debuffing abilities.
I guess from now in Epics it will require a variety of classes/roles to get things done, not just an arcane to CC, melees to hit on autocrit, and a healer. I assume that moving onwards, the idea of debuffing mobs will play a bigger role.