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  1. #1
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Boot Farming Question.

    I read yesterday about farming for boot ingrediants and about how "easy" it is for a FvS to solo Sins for ingrediants. I was a little leery cuz I'm not all PWNAGE and all, but I wanted to let Daviniti my lvl 20 FvS give it a go. The first time through I used 12 invis pots (no nyoko's yet sadly) and 3 major pots.. but I learned a lot. Even my nooby melee skills were enough for Saligia (whatever his name is), and after running outta mana and blade barries on the boss (um Ghula - the one with the meat) I was able to melee him down enough with conc opp procs to drop a BB after a few hits, such that my second run cost me no mana pots and was done in roughly the same time (mostly because the first run I invis'ed past everything and the second run I just kill mobs in big bunches along the way with BB's.

    Anyway, 2 runs took about an hour and 5 mins (for repair and run back out etc). No boot ingrediants but I now know its' "dooable". Here's my question. Comparitively, to Sins.. how "soloable" is Wrath, and the other 3 flagging quests in Amrath. If Sins is a 5 on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 be hardest to solo comparitively) where would the others lie? I need 2 demons blood and 2 keepsakes to have all my big toons Raid Ready.

    Thanks in advance for any information.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  2. #2
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    In my opinion (compared with Sins = 5):
    Wrath: 3
    Weapon Shipments: 2 (for completion and end chest only)
    Genesis: 5
    New Invasion: 4
    Bastion: 6-7 (mainly the end fight, rest is probably 5)

    This is with my FVS LotB.
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  3. #3
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Agreed...the most troublesome quest is Bastion and it's because of the end fight.

    Sins is the easiest of the actual flagging quests.
    Genesis Point is easy but kind of lengthy...lots of chests tho.
    A New Invasion can be a pain until you know ur way around.....end fight is cake for someone with BB tho.
    Bastion once u know it is easy up until the end fight.....and then it can become very complicated.

    Weapons Shipment without optional is very easy...kinda boring tho.
    Wrath is easy as well.

    Ingredient drops are a lot of luck.......took me til my 20th run on my current Sins Keepsake hunt to get one, but then I pulled 2 in four runs....also got a lot of Shroud ingredients.

    I may be a little off on these numbers as well, so correct me if I am wrong....

    Chances a week for specific Ingredient before total ransack....
    Devils Keepsake 63.............54 Sins/9 Shipment
    Mysterious Artifact 18..........9 Invasion/9 Wrath
    Demons Blood 18............9 Bastion/9 Wrath
    Pure Shavarath Iron 45...........36 Genesis/9 Shipment

    From my personal experience........Keepsakes have the lowest drop rate.....Irons have the highest.
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 03-18-2011 at 06:03 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I agreee about kepsakes being hardest and irons easiest to get. I remember my 1st 2 runs ever in Amrath, a Weapons Shipment and Sins run. Pulled the Mysterious Artifact and the Keepsake. Thought, "I don't know why ppl complain about making these boots. This'll be easy." How wrong I was.

    GL working on your boots, OP. Hopefully a little luck will be on your side. Sounds like you have a solid toon who can solo grind it at least.

  5. #5
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Thanks for the responses.

    5 Sins runs so far - Nada. Going to try and solo the rest this weekend to get her flagged... would be nice to get her and my 20 cleric some boot ingrediants though.

    It's weird how soloing these has been SOOO much easier then when I ran them on my mellee toons in a group of 6.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  6. #6
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Another issue with Bastion is that if you can't disable a tiefling before they activate the switch, you get a huge spawn and a portal to beat down. It's a pain to melee down the portal if you don't have good melee DPS. In addition, only the end chests and the chest where you have to hit the 3 switches on the floor underneath it drop boot/Shroud ingredients. The end fight is easiest when BB kiting. If you want to hit the switches, stand in front of the ledge right inside the "point" of the star design on the ground, and when he sends you up, you should be able to move forward onto the ledge without hitting the ceiling and being sent flying backwards. Then wing it over to the other two.

    Sins is far easier for a divine to solo than to group. Also, once you get a little more experience with it, I suggest taking the Badge. That way, you can access the side chest with the gullible devil (intimidate him and fail, fight off the two waves) if it pops up. The end boss can be tough in a group but is fairly easy to solo on my Cleric. If he chains you, you have wings make it even easier. Each side chest can drop boot and Shroud ingredients, and there are always three side chests. This tends to be one of the best Large Scale farming areas around. In addition, each side chests ransacks individually, and you can use different bosses to avoid ransacking the end chests (Ham, Lute, and Badge are the easiest for an evoker/cleric). Only one of the end chests, and the three side chests drops boot ingredients.

    New Invasion isn't bad, especially if you don't trigger any ambushes. The end fight has a nasty reputation, but a FvS BB kiting is one of the easiest ways to take him out. All the side chests can drop ingredients, and the prisoner chest right before the portal down can be knocked on a 1. My Cleric UMD'ing a knock scroll can open it.

    Genesis Point is a bit of a pain if you don't have your graphics set to high. You need to position a hireling at certain spots in the upper level, then go down and have him activate switches without dying to an Orthon patrol. You need your graphics draw range very high in order to target the switches from down below.

    Wrath of the Flame isn't bad, but I tend to have to melee the high save clerics and paladins down with stat drain or my Epic Souleater (Vorpals usually won't work, they almost always cast Deathward when they see you). Once you get past the first Succubus, it's an easy BB run to the end. Just note that a lot of the mobs in here, rangers, succubi, and bezikera all have evasion, so BB isn't as effective without beating on stuff with a Maladroit weapon.

    Weapon's Shipment is a breeze no matter what you do, it's just somewhat long and boring. The Planescaller has 200% healing amp, so if you're a Sovereign Host evoker, your free cure light capstone can easily keep her up. Vorpals are great here with the number of casters/archers who won't go through your BB's.

  7. #7
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Be careful if your gonna choose the Badge and the Horned Devil end fight tho........I usually leave him for last for two reasons....

    He is obnoxious....chains and trips you every two seconds...
    He can bewilder you and keep you from spellcasting for a few seconds.

    The only other boss I think is as obnoxious as the Horned Devil is the Orthon......his obscene amount of HP and regen takes him a while to defeat...otherwise he is harmless.

    For the bearded devil kite him down to the bottom and fight him standing underneath the platform......that way when his power bomb thingy goes off you get stopped by the platform instead of shooting all over the room.

    Make sure you have blindness immunity if you go after the teifling.

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