I read yesterday about farming for boot ingrediants and about how "easy" it is for a FvS to solo Sins for ingrediants. I was a little leery cuz I'm not all PWNAGE and all, but I wanted to let Daviniti my lvl 20 FvS give it a go. The first time through I used 12 invis pots (no nyoko's yet sadly) and 3 major pots.. but I learned a lot. Even my nooby melee skills were enough for Saligia (whatever his name is), and after running outta mana and blade barries on the boss (um Ghula - the one with the meat) I was able to melee him down enough with conc opp procs to drop a BB after a few hits, such that my second run cost me no mana pots and was done in roughly the same time (mostly because the first run I invis'ed past everything and the second run I just kill mobs in big bunches along the way with BB's.
Anyway, 2 runs took about an hour and 5 mins (for repair and run back out etc). No boot ingrediants but I now know its' "dooable". Here's my question. Comparitively, to Sins.. how "soloable" is Wrath, and the other 3 flagging quests in Amrath. If Sins is a 5 on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 be hardest to solo comparitively) where would the others lie? I need 2 demons blood and 2 keepsakes to have all my big toons Raid Ready.
Thanks in advance for any information.