I've taken the time to write to Dr. Ivory, the head of the G.A.M.E.R. Lab at Virginia Tech, and I can report that this is indeed a legitimate study - and that this is not a phishing attempt. Dr. Ivory was gracious and kind enough to take the time to talk to me several times today about the study and it's goals. I'm very intrigued.
He has also allowed me to share some snippets of our conversations with everyone. The quoted sections are from Dr. Ivory's emails to me today:
And yes, I did see the IRB approval letter he sent me. Also legit.
I'm taking part in the study. I'm convinced, and I frankly find the goals of the project to be nothing short of fascinating. I hope that my research and findings is enough to convince some of the rest of DDO's community to do likewise. We have the best people out of any online game I've played - and this is a **** fine community. It'd be good if we represented on something like this.
+Reping Frank's OP. No need for him to be gray box'n it.