Leader of the Force Addicts // Established 12/20/2011
There is no emotion, there is peace - There is no ignorance, there is knowledge - There is no passion, there is serenity - There is no chaos, there is harmony - There is no death, there is the Force.
The most you're going to get is a DDO store sale, don't expect any more than that. Turbine is a business after all.
My point is... if Paladins wanted Intimidate, we had no choice. Either TR or LR... We COULD NOT spend money to swap out skill points. Sorcs at least have the option.
My thought was "Thank you turbine for giving Paladins intimidate. It was greatly appreciated." In all seriousness, why complain?
Turbine could always just say "If you're going to complain about us making new spells, would you rather us not add new spells? that way you don't have to spend in game platinum swapping anything out."
Dynacel (30 Paladin Vanguard), Eminence (30 Druid Caster), Nymari (20 Deepwood Sniper) Soulfusion (18/2 Artificer Monk)
Leader of Intel Rq'd
It's not about the plat, it's about the 3 day timer for changing one spell.
It would probably take somewhere close to a month, maybe more to change out a Sorcerer's spells in any sort of depth. So, an LR was the only way to change a Paladin's skills, but you didn't have to wait a month to complete it.
I agree with the spell change token.
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
I doubt they would.
They didn't when they changed the THF to remove those glancing blows while moving. I'm sure plenty of players found those feats to now be lacking because of their play style.
It would be nice from a PR standpoint. It would show that they value their customers when they make a game design change.
I do think that ALL scrolls up to lvl 7 should be available for purchase. This would fix the problem when they add new spells.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
When other PrE's came out or changed they didn't give them hearts of woods so why should they do that with sorcerers?
Pale Masters: Required Spell focus and Greater Spell focus (Necromancy)
Archmages: Required Spell focus and Greater Spell focus of whatever school you wanted. How many wizards took spell focus (evocation) or spell focus (conjuration) before archmage came out?
Rogue Mechanic: Added bonuses to crossbows and repeater prof. to the PrE and how many Mechanics at that time were ranged specialized?
Spell tokens to reset only your spells once wouldn't be that much of a problem in my opinion.
A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
Threads: Halfling PrE, Master Thrower / New set of spells: Illusion
Just because my wizard got shafted along with everyone else's does not mean I wish to spread that pain around each time they change systems on us...
Any new PrE for a class OR signifigant change to a system that effects a class should result in a BtC Lesser Heart with + level if the change was large enough that people would be strongly tempted to change out a level or more.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
What I think would be fair is if they blanked the spell list of every Sorc, and you had to go to the trainer for a one-time free do-over of your whole list.
I mean, you will be going to the trainer anyway to pick up the PrE...
*whine, whine, whine*
Seriously, after turbine giving you what you wanted and actually making beneficial changes - your gonna QQ about this?
how about this: BUY THE **** TR/LR WOOD. Show Turbine that you appreciate the work they're doing and you'd like to treat them to lunch. Oh wait, the money your gonna spend for a LR doesn't even cost the price of a decent lunch.
Wow guys. just wow.
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
((oberon131313, I'm doing junky today in my c/p. I think this first part is in response to what you started to say.))
As a vet with plat to blow, I could agree to that. But that hurts new players and that is something I'd not want.
Not to mention that NPC would..
1. must be coded.
2. would probably have a time duration.
I think Memirs suggestion of just blanking all spells, and changing the NPC trainers to be able to fill in empty slots would be better as there would be no time bases for that.
In case, an additional function must be added to the trainer. Aka check for blank spell slot. I'd hope that would be less of a hassle to add in.
I can not argue either of these, but I pull less weight on the latter. They have done script to give items before, so it is nothing new. Nothing to be done by hand there.
But the issue of the cut off. I can agree with the concern. But as stated, the suggestion was made with the limitations player known with the game as is.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 03-18-2011 at 10:51 AM.
Oh my normal life? My normal life is fine.
When I find a $20 bill, I don't whine that it should've been a $100.
When I get promoted, I don't whine because I didn't get a parking space with it.
When a terrible disaster happens and me and my loved ones are still alive, I don't whine about waiting in line for 4-6 hours for food and gas.
You guys should learn from the Japanese. They have learned to be content with the good fortune they have, instead of whining about not having more.
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Why is it whining to request a convenience? The OP wasn't throwing a tantrum, threatening to quit, berating Turbine, or otherwise acting "whiny". They made a suggestion/request that due to changes within the game they feel there is justification for a free respec.
While you may disagree (and I'm on the fence), they brought their suggestion in a rational manner on the official forums for such matters. That seems entirely reasonable to me.
This is just not appropriate. Comparing the tragedy in Japan to needing to respec one's character is an insult, and I strongly disapprove of this.
Donate to the relief effort and send good karma to those who are still missing, but please don't use them as a stick in your argument.
You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.
Yes, you do. Thinking that your a special case compared to other classes and deserve special treatment is wrong. We sucked it up and bit the bullet, I see no reason for sorcs not to do the same thing as well. Hell, I'll be LRing my sorc with either a heart from the AH or a heart from the DDO store and I'll be happy doing it.
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
That's how capitalism works it's not what have you done for me it's what are you doing for me.
Seriously wizards pay plat for every single spell besides the 2 they get per level. So complaining you need to spend money to respec is ridiculous. Wizards will have to find the scrolls or buy them off the AH. Which means they certainly won't have them with in a couple of days - if ever - why should sorcs have access to every new spell immediately just because new spells were added.
No I don't.
I don't have a sorcerer so I don't really have much of a stake in this current change but I have been impacted by other changes.
I don't agree that I should fork out money just because Turbine changes how things work. There may be other in game options but there should still be a reset on the characters when features are changed.
If you want to waste your money, go right ahead.
I already paid Turbine for my product. Now they are changing the product that I've already paid for. I shouldn't have to pay to have my product work when I already bought it.
Would you really want to have to pay a car company to fix your car when they updated the computer but the update changed your car and now to have it run you have to pay to have it fixed even though they changed it? I think you need to show your car company some love by forking out more cash.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.