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  1. #1
    Community Member Catiriona's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Question OMG Drama from Sheelagh, mark your calendars you may never see this again.

    So... I am not feeling very well and was hanging around the marketplace Harpering while others were doing stuff. I was catching random commentary in general, advice and trade as usual. So someone was complaining about the price of something that was being offered and then got torn into by the person that was offering said item. This rubbed me the wrong way and said something about if your price is fair you should have no problem with a healthy debate about the price of things right now and that the price of things he was complaining about buying... ie pots and wands had not gone up lately so its a moot point in the discussion. I promptly went back to my harpering and later saw this by the same person.
    "<Examine:IID:0x030B00023297CDEC>+3 Manual of Gainful Exercise (Strength +3)<\Examine> boo hoo im a noob for having this"

    I said something about +3 tomes being not so rare... i have a few in my bank and was corrected that this one was unbound, I said this. (Trade): [Sheelagh] ah onbound... wow yes you are a ddo god...forgive me... cause +3 tomes are sooo hard to get
    (Trade): [Sheelagh] whatever will i do without an unbound tome that I can get rather easily without putting out the plat?
    (Trade): [Sheelagh] so its for sale right?
    (Trade): [Sheelagh] cause if not you have an inferiority complex... since you have to link it to prove ...hmm something

    He had a few responses in between and I think I was harsher than usual but given his tone I don't think it was uncalled for.

    Tell): <\Player> tells you, 'i didnt see your last statement. wow your abusive. its a wonder you have any friends bro. you must really enjoy misery. dude rock on that way. be abusive. ill continue to level with my wife while you do.'

    My question is while I admit to being grumpier than usual did this seem overly abusive to someone that was abusing somone earlier for questioning the prices he was selling things at and then posting the link of the tome to prove ... i am not sure what... how uber he was? I personally thought he was being both offensive and provocative since he was not offering that tome for sale...was just showing off and yes in my grumpiness I reacted. Just wondering if I was way out of line...or just a tad
    Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
    Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others

  2. #2
    The Hatchery walkingwolfmike's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Meh. Doesn't sound harsh at all. His tell to you made me snicker. The usage of dude, and bro and "I'll keep leveling with my wife"..... kinda makes me wonder if the person is even old enough to sme married......outside of Arkansas ofcourse.

  3. #3
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkingwolfmike View Post
    Meh. Doesn't sound harsh at all. His tell to you made me snicker. The usage of dude, and bro and "I'll keep leveling with my wife"..... kinda makes me wonder if the person is even old enough to sme married......outside of a game ofcourse.
    sorry couldnt help myself
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  4. #4
    Community Member evilnatas's Avatar
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    Jun 2007


    wife? check.
    +3 unbound tome? check.

    sounds like you never stood a chance, bro
    however permission was given for you to rock on, so there's that.

    an ok story, but i find abuse is mostly lost on the random froob. really, that's what guildies are for. i'd say the whole "inferiority complex" bit was a little over the line. i'd have gone with something more like

    "<Examine:IID:0x030B00023297CDEC>+3 Manual of Gainful Exercise (Strength +3)<\Examine> boo hoo im a noob for having this"
    (Trade): [Sheelagh] grats!


    Saeyf - Lieyf - Thef - Rotbert - Tampwn - Fortysix - Sevil - Baelz

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Sheelagh, you giggle too much to be grumpy.

    THE Mechanical Lova

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