So after having obtained the Shard and Scroll of the Thornlord, I was wondering how to fit in Manyshot, Bow Strength (and preq Weapon Focus: Ranged), Rapid Shot, and Point Blank Shot.
Solution was 2rng and 1ftr. First level of Ranger gives Bow strength without useless preq feat. Fighter level gives extra feat, for Point Blank shot. Second ranger level gives Rapid Shot, and free TWF which frees up a normal slot.
So, is epic Thornlord worth it? The cons of the build vs. 20 rog:
6d6 less SA damage (21 less damage per hit)
1 less Rogue Special feat (not too essential)
No Vorpal Strike (I mostly run epics and raids, not essential)
-4 to Assassinate DC (see above)
I like pure Rogue
The pros:
18 more HP
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Higher BAB (DP clickie negates somewhat but Madstone negates)
Godmode: 20s of Manyshot with epic Thornlord at 30% haste boost with 11d6+29 SA damage.
So, does the 20s of what I hope is ungodly DPS outweigh the 120s of -21dmg each hit at TWF speed?