High Priest of Cannith : Tell me of your sins my son
Slashious : Firstly - my level 17 rogue flagged for Shroud
High Priest : nothing wrong with that ... go on
Slash : So I throw up a late night LFM for Shroud
High Priest : hmmm still ok ... go on
Slash : I have 310 hp
High Priest : SACRILEGE - CON is NOT a dump stat! .... go on
Slash : we fill surprisingly quickly and go in with no problem in part 1.
High Priest : go on
Slash : I pull a shard which is good as I have a GS blank and all the mats for a double shard tier 3.
High Priest : ok .... go on
Slash : part two was no problems same as part 3 which I pull another shard.
High Priest : hmmmm need before greed I suppose ... go on.
Slash : part 4 we had good dps but as the blades closed I saw 45hp once and then 27hp but I made it through, two others were not so lucky and one was the second Cleric. So I volunteer to raise the Cleric.
High Priest : That is good.
Slash : Well yes, but as the alter was hit I noticed that my raise dead scroll chance was only 85%
High Priest : My gods son, luck was with you then but you risked not only his life but his easy looting of a chest.... go on.
Slash : Part 5 I diced with death with almost single digit hp on multiple occasions. wand whipping stoneskin was the only thing that saved me and we completed ok. I didn't die, I leveled to 18 and crafted a tier 2 GS rapier.
High Priest : My son, there are multiple sins you have amassed but the mortal sin that cannot be overlooked is entering a raid with 310hp regardless of you not dieing. You are forever damned. May Horoth have mercy on your soul.
fun times