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  1. #1
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Default Newbie GS Item Slot Question


    I've got my first high lvl toon close to 20 and am crafting GS. He's a pure thf pally. I'm about halfway done making my lit II falchion and am starting to put together the mats for my HP item. I am curious though which item slot I should use. Atm I've a lvl16 mabar cloak, a gfl poison immunity belt and a +6 con necklace. I've been thinking to make bracers as that slot has a nearly useless chaosgaurde (dumped AC around lvl 16 for hp and dps).

    I've read there are certain pieces of gear I'll want for epics (torc etc).

    My question is, is there a standard solution for dps in respect to gear rotation at this point? I don't want to make GS that will take up a slot that I'll need for a rare item later.

    Also, looking at the planner, I'm not sure whether I should go with the exceptional CON or STR for the item. I'd like both, at some point, but it seems a waste as the HP won't stack.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Khumbaaba; 03-16-2011 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    For a melee you can consider goggles since there are very few nice must have goggles out there. People will say you should get Tharnes but with the new items that have come out the benefit of Tharnes is not as prominent as it used to be.

    One thing to matter how well you plan out your equipment there will come that day when you will need to recraft something. It is inevitable.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    My question is, is there a standard solution for dps in respect to gear rotation at this point? I don't want to make GS that will take up a slot that I'll need for a rare item later.

    Also, looking at the planner, I'm not sure whether I should go with the exceptional CON or STR for the item. I'd like both, at some point, but it seems a waste as the HP won't stack.

    Thanks in advance!
    It's probably not a bad idea to avoid the Boot slot in order to avoid conflicts with The Boots of Anchoring.

    ToD rings will allow you to add exceptional STR and CON stats (or other).

    GS HP items don't add to your stats. They can provide an exceptional boost to the stat related skill. Exceptional STR skills increases your Jump score. Exceptional CON skills increases your Concentration skill.

    I'm a fan of EarthGrab goggles.

  4. #4
    Community Member Bargol's Avatar
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    I agree....eventually you will need to recraft. I wouldn't do bracers because of leviks in hound. They aren't the end item but once you get them you would probably wear them especially if you want the 2 or 3 item set.

    Goggles seem like the best bet.
    Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200

  5. #5
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Go with Goggles.
    Only good item there is - Tharnes (True seeing/Sneak attack+5) and they are only usefull if you dont have aggro and have sneak attackable mobs. Time sensing goggles ar situational for haste clickie/swap in when needed.

    Pretty much every other spot has decent end game or other epic items.
    Boots swap out for TOD , Firestorm, Kundarak, etc..
    Echrono 3(likely) or 5(unlikely) piece set = cloak,bracers,helm,gloves,boots(Pally likely Helm,gloves, ??)
    Tod Sets are necklace/ring or belt/ring
    Bracers - leviks, echrono set, Epic Red Fens
    Cloaks - echrono,mabar.
    Helm - Smugglers event, echrono

    Look at items that you are planning to have at end game and look at what is left.
    Greensteel gear is endgame gear,crafting is expensive and you dont want to recraft, so be sure before you make it.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Ah, okay so they're not stat bonuses. Should have caught that, but thanks for clearing it up.

    I'll make the goggles then and leave the bracer slot open.

    Now to start planning out the DT armor, which got a bit more difficult with the epic cavalry plate!

    Thanks again!

  7. #7
    Community Member Bargol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    Ah, okay so they're not stat bonuses. Should have caught that, but thanks for clearing it up.

    I'll make the goggles then and leave the bracer slot open.

    Now to start planning out the DT armor, which got a bit more difficult with the epic cavalry plate!

    Thanks again!
    If you plan on wearing leviks until you get epic items one of the DT slots is part of the leviks set (sovereign rune). Keep in mind if thats a direction your going in shorter term.
    Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200

  8. #8
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    Ah, okay so they're not stat bonuses. Should have caught that, but thanks for clearing it up.

    I'll make the goggles then and leave the bracer slot open.

    Now to start planning out the DT armor, which got a bit more difficult with the epic cavalry plate!

    Thanks again!
    On my Initimitank I dropped the DT in favor of the Cavalry Plate (which isn't upgraded yet). Don't feel I lost anything in fact once upgrade I will actually gain. To be honest it will take a lot less to upgrade the CP then the DT.
    Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, Runezephyr
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  9. #9
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
    On my Initimitank I dropped the DT in favor of the Cavalry Plate (which isn't upgraded yet). Don't feel I lost anything in fact once upgrade I will actually gain. To be honest it will take a lot less to upgrade the CP then the DT.
    Seems so. I lesser reincarnated last night to squeeze out a few more hp and ended up throwing on a non-upgraded plate. Don't have DT yet, but the epic plate is looking better. I might still make some guard heavy DT plate. Still have to think about it though. Demon shield seems better than any damage guard IMO.

  10. #10
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Goggles seem good, as has been suggested.

    Although honestly, that Mabar Cloak can probably go, as well, should you end up needing the space. Ghostly, Deathblock, and Nightmare/Invisibility Guards aren't really all that great at level 20. Don't consider this a "I must keep it" piece of your gear.

    You have a Con +6 Necklace and a GFL Belt. Get:
    Belt of the Defender of Siberys (Genesis Point)
    Knosts Belt (Genesis Point)
    Vornes Belt (Sins of Attrition)

    Any one of the three would be good for you to wear up until you've got a more complete gearset, as they are all Con +6 and Greater False Life. As a DPS Paladin, you'll eventually want to swap these for Lorinthor's Ring/Lorinthor's Belt combo, and likely Kyosho's Ring/Shintao Cord (necklace) Combo. But you probably won't see the ring(s) you want for a long time, whereas getting the Con +6 GFL belts are fairly easy.

    Who told you you wanted the Torc? Unless you plan on also making a Concordant Opposition Item, and throwing Quickened Maximized Cure Serious Wounds while actively tanking raid bosses, the Torc is simply not necessary for your build. A ToD Set bonus such as Shintao or Tempest would be of greater service to you.

    Best of luck.

  11. #11
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    A while ago someone told me to do the torc con/opp combo when I first asked about GS crafting. I think the idea was to get hit a lot and keep myself buffed/healed. I'm not sure it fits my playstyle. I've been focusing on high hp (500+ right now) and high damage output. Don't usually run out of sp between shrines and have lifeshield on my armor (soon to be demon shield with the event being back).

    Thanks for the belt advise. I need to cap this toon asap, so grinding for these belts will help for that, and open up my necklace spot!

  12. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    A while ago someone told me to do the torc con/opp combo when I first asked about GS crafting. I think the idea was to get hit a lot and keep myself buffed/healed.
    Its not necessarily a bad idea... but gear slots, especially for a class that relies on so many stats to perform well, have to be carefully weighed and measured. And the failing point of most self-healing tanks is that even if its Quickened, you're stopping your attack chain to toss a Cure, then getting back to fighting. That's less DPS time on boss, meaning that must easier for someone to pull the hate from you.

  13. #13
    Community Member Khumbaaba's Avatar
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    So, I've been playing around with some of the options for my GS goggles. Anyone have ideas about what popular picks for DPS are? I'm thinking some of the dual shard guards would be nice, then again that's expensive, so maybe the strait air or earth options would be better.

  14. #14
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khumbaaba View Post
    So, I've been playing around with some of the options for my GS goggles. Anyone have ideas about what popular picks for DPS are? I'm thinking some of the dual shard guards would be nice, then again that's expensive, so maybe the strait air or earth options would be better.
    Picks in Epics?

    The four types I'd recommend (3 of them are dual Shard)
    Lit II
    Triple Earth
    Vacuum II
    Ice II

    For picks. Lit II is hands down the best "DPS" of the group, provided someone else in the party (caster, monk, kensei, barb) is providing the Stunned/Autocrit situation for you.

    Triple Earth and Ice II allow you to create the auto-crit situation yourself, and are Reflex and Fort saves, respectively.

    Vacuum II does a Will-Based Trap the Soul - its essentially a Vorpal proc, and a death sentence for anything that is also being neg-leveled by a caster utilizing a Dreamspitter. Lots and lots of pretty Soul Gems.

    As far as Accessory-based guards go - a lot of them can be found on DT Tempest and Sovereign Runes. Might want to look there first, as that's a much cheaper option for your time.

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