I've got my first high lvl toon close to 20 and am crafting GS. He's a pure thf pally. I'm about halfway done making my lit II falchion and am starting to put together the mats for my HP item. I am curious though which item slot I should use. Atm I've a lvl16 mabar cloak, a gfl poison immunity belt and a +6 con necklace. I've been thinking to make bracers as that slot has a nearly useless chaosgaurde (dumped AC around lvl 16 for hp and dps).
I've read there are certain pieces of gear I'll want for epics (torc etc).
My question is, is there a standard solution for dps in respect to gear rotation at this point? I don't want to make GS that will take up a slot that I'll need for a rare item later.
Also, looking at the planner, I'm not sure whether I should go with the exceptional CON or STR for the item. I'd like both, at some point, but it seems a waste as the HP won't stack.
Thanks in advance!