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  1. #1
    Community Member Daggertooth's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Computer Crash on Launch

    Wondering if anyone has an idea as to what can cause the computer to crash on isn't happening w/ DDO but w/ another game was hoping someone could point me in a direction. The title installed and ran fine at max settings for about an hour (after first launch increased settings /resolution etc to max ... defaults were very low)... so the game ran fine for the first time w/o a hitch (even after maxing settings). But now on subsequent restarts it wont start at all and crashes apparently right when the video card is engaged... i.e. right after you start the application before the video would change and the first splash screen would come on.
    So far I've disabled the splash screens, updated to the latest video driver and reinstalled (putting back default settings).. and still to no avail....crashes the computer everytime. Also getting a single BIOS short beep on the restart.. which according to the code means that it did a bios scan and everything was fine. (1 short beep means ok). Happens everytime.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    figured i'd throw some things out there -

    Just incase yas didn't know - the Bios beeps depend on what bios your using. For instance on AMI bios 1 short beep means a DRAM refresh failure. Anywho it most likely means your system is booting fine but figured i'd throw that out there - there's a quick link on how to see what bios your running without restarting your computer - BTW - do NOT touch anything in registry :P just look at what it says, hehe.
    But yea, then you can google what the beeps mean (if you haven't done that already ).

    From just what you said tho it definitely sounds (as you said) like a gpu problem. Might want to try rolling back your drivers to an older version. Or keep the newest ones and (if you haven't) clear out all your old driver information - you can download driver sweeper for free. i like MajorGeeks -

    just -
    1. download the latest drivers from AMD or Nvidia site (whatever your using) but don't install them yet
    2. use driver sweeper to clear all the old drivers/info off your system
    3. it will ask you to reset - do it
    4. install latest drivers
    5. will probably have to reset again after newest drivers are installed

    Anywho - idk if you've ever done that but if not the old driver information stays on your system and will most likely screw something up sooner or later.
    Last edited by Jybwee; 03-16-2011 at 12:55 PM.

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