Made this bugger back just after PM was released and nearly everybody considered it gimp
. Was going to splash another rogue (of course) next level (or maybe after that).
I took warforged for the repair, obviously, but at the same time that makes PM less appealing. On the other hand I'm not too impressed with AM: a little extra to DCs here and there and of course some cheap spells but at the cost of maximum spell points (or, alternatively, a whole whack of spell points but no cheap spells).
So I'm looking for opinions on what I should make this into.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
DDO Character Planner Home Page
Level 9 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(1 Rogue \ 8 Wizard)
Hit Points: 96
Spell Points: 470
BAB: 4\4
Fortitude: 5
Reflex: 9
Will: 4
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 9)
Strength 12 12
Dexterity 10 10
Constitution 16 16
Intelligence 18 20
Wisdom 6 6
Charisma 6 6
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 9)
Balance 4 8
Bluff -2 -2
Concentration 5 15
Diplomacy 2 2
Disable Device 8 13
Haggle 2 2
Heal -2 -2
Hide 0 0
Intimidate -2 -2
Jump 5 5
Listen -2 -2
Move Silently 0 0
Open Lock 4 8
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 8 9
Search 8 13
Spot 2 2
Swim 1 1
Tumble 4 4
Use Magic Device 2 6
Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes
Level 2 (Wizard)
Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Extend Spell
Level 3 (Wizard)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 4 (Wizard)
Level 5 (Wizard)
Level 6 (Wizard)
Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Maximize Spell
Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
Level 7 (Wizard)
Level 8 (Wizard)
Level 9 (Wizard)
Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration