Feel Free to post in the thread, PM me or whisper me in game (Halamushish)
GS Items
Green Steel Great Crossbow
I can also craft your GS weapon of choice.
Race Restricted Items
Ogre Power Ring: +6 (RR: WF, ML 11, UMD: 18)
Armor Bracers: +8 (RR: Human, Half-Elf, ML: 15, UMD: 22)
Clever Ring: +6 (RR: Human, Half-Elf, ML: 11, UMD: 22)
Charismatic Cloak: +6 (RR: Dwarf, ML: 11, UMD: 18)
Clever Goggles: +5 (RR: Elf, Drow, Half-Elf, ML: 9, UMD: 16)
Ring of Resistance: +4 (RR: WF, ML: 9, UMD: 16)
Named Items
2x Golden Greaves
Rusted Crown
Corroded Rapier
Tarnished Deneith Heavy Chain
2x Chord of Reprisals
2x Spiked Turban
+1 Acid Khopesh of Pure Good (ML: 4)
+1 Holy Heavy Mace of Pure Good (ML: 6)
+1 Holy Heavy Mace of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 10)
+1 Metalline Maul of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
+1 True Law Longsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 8)
+1 Holy Longsword of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 10)
+1 Cursespewing Khopesh of Greater Giant Bane (RR: Half-Orc, ML: 10, UMD: 20)
+2 True Law Khopesh of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
+2 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
+2 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 10)
+3 Scimitar of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
+3 True Law Scimitar of Greater Evil Undead Bane (ML: 12)
+3 Shock Light Hammer of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 12)
+3 Rapier of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
+4 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Aberration Bane (ML: 14)
+4 Keen Scimitar of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 14)
+4 Holy Light Crossbow of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 16)
+5 Ghost Touch Heavy Pick of Pure Good (ML: 12)
+5 Cold Iron Kukri of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 14)
+5 Acid Battleaxe of Greater Undead Bane (ML: 16)
+5 True Law Battleaxe of Greater Undead Bane (ML: 16)
+5 Metalline Khopesh of Pure Good (ML: 14)
I'm looking for:
+2 Tomes
Boots of the Innocent
Jorgundal's Collar
Large scales
White, blue and black scales
Plat, as a last resort