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Thread: WTS Some Stuff

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default WTS Some Stuff

    Feel Free to post in the thread, PM me or whisper me in game (Halamushish)

    GS Items

    Green Steel Great Crossbow
    I can also craft your GS weapon of choice.

    Race Restricted Items

    Ogre Power Ring: +6 (RR: WF, ML 11, UMD: 18)
    Armor Bracers: +8 (RR: Human, Half-Elf, ML: 15, UMD: 22)
    Clever Ring: +6 (RR: Human, Half-Elf, ML: 11, UMD: 22)
    Charismatic Cloak: +6 (RR: Dwarf, ML: 11, UMD: 18)
    Clever Goggles: +5 (RR: Elf, Drow, Half-Elf, ML: 9, UMD: 16)
    Ring of Resistance: +4 (RR: WF, ML: 9, UMD: 16)

    Named Items

    2x Golden Greaves
    Rusted Crown
    Corroded Rapier
    Tarnished Deneith Heavy Chain
    2x Chord of Reprisals
    2x Spiked Turban


    +1 Acid Khopesh of Pure Good (ML: 4)
    +1 Holy Heavy Mace of Pure Good (ML: 6)
    +1 Holy Heavy Mace of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 10)
    +1 Metalline Maul of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
    +1 True Law Longsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 8)
    +1 Holy Longsword of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 10)
    +1 Cursespewing Khopesh of Greater Giant Bane (RR: Half-Orc, ML: 10, UMD: 20)
    +2 True Law Khopesh of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
    +2 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
    +2 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 10)
    +3 Scimitar of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
    +3 True Law Scimitar of Greater Evil Undead Bane (ML: 12)
    +3 Shock Light Hammer of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 12)
    +3 Rapier of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 10)
    +4 Vicious Handwraps of Greater Aberration Bane (ML: 14)
    +4 Keen Scimitar of Greater Construct Bane (ML: 14)
    +4 Holy Light Crossbow of Greater Elemental Bane (ML: 16)
    +5 Ghost Touch Heavy Pick of Pure Good (ML: 12)
    +5 Cold Iron Kukri of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML: 14)
    +5 Acid Battleaxe of Greater Undead Bane (ML: 16)
    +5 True Law Battleaxe of Greater Undead Bane (ML: 16)
    +5 Metalline Khopesh of Pure Good (ML: 14)

    I'm looking for:

    +2 Tomes
    Boots of the Innocent
    Jorgundal's Collar
    Large scales
    White, blue and black scales
    Plat, as a last resort
    Last edited by notRallius; 03-15-2011 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member darksol23's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Sent PM about purchasing GS Blanks
    Officer of the Platinum Knights of Cannith, Founder of the guild GHOSTBANE of Cannith
    Main - Death - Completionist and then some...
    Other Characters - Holy, Leap, War, Optimusprime, Intimitank, Lanfear, Can, Afkbiobrb, Garagesale, Leverpuller and many more

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