The Shadow Knight - Incorporeal AC Hate Tank - (14 Paladin/6 Monk)
After getting sick of watching countless ToD pug clerics waste all sorts of resources healing No AC/Fat HP tanks, I wanted to come up with a character that accomplished the following:
-Healer Friendly Tank
-Generate enough Hate to hold aggro while allowing other party members to go all out on DPS (Which I think is where I'll have the most issues)
-Have good DPS when not tanking.
-Be a little different.I'll probably still make a 12 Fighter/6 Paladin/2 Monk tank at some point so I can directly compare the 2 builds.
Please note that I will be also using this as a reference post as I level.
Name: The Shadow Knight
While not very similar to the Shadow Knights of EQ, I figured the name was appropriate given the fact that he's a Paladin that uses Shadow Fade.
Classes: 14 Paladin/6 Monk - Defender of Siberys II/Ninja Spy I
14 Paladin gets you all sorts of goodies: Saves, Zeal, Holy Sword, Exalted Smite III, Divine Sacrifice II, Divine Might II, Divine Righteousness, etc...
6 Monk gets you Ninja Spy I, which grants you the wonderful Shadow Fade ability along with the ability to use shortswords and stay centered. Turbine decided to throw Ninja Spies a bone by granting them the Cutthroat's Smallblade in the Anniversary Event. I can dual wield those while in DPS mode, or pair one with a Mineral II SS with +4 Insight AC while tanking. While questing, I'll most likely be using a pair of Vampiric Fury Shortswords and go into healing amplification mode.
Race: Human
Half-Elf would also make a good choice (Favored Soul or Sorceror Dilettante depending on your preference) but I'm a fan of the extra feat and skill point that Humans get. Drow are also a good choice since they gain a bonus to shortswords. The penalty to constitution is offset by the bonuses elsewhere. I think a 1st TRd Drow would only be down 1 wisdom point from the Human version. I may do my 2nd TR into a Drow if I feel I don't need the extra Toughness feat.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Ability Scores:
34 Point Build
STR: 15 + 5 levels + 2 Tome + 6 Item = 28
DEX: 15 + 2 Tome + 6 Item +1 Enhancement = 24
CON: 14 + 2 Tome + 6 Item = 22
INT: 11 + 2 Tome = 13
WIS: 11 + 2 Tome + 6 Item + 1 Enhancement = 20
CHA: 14 + 2 Tome + 6 Item = 22
Important Tomes: +1 Int at lvl 1, +2 Int and +2 Dex at lvl 7
I probably wouldn't attempt this as a 28 pointer (Maybe drop Strength and Finesse?); 32 Point Build could drop Wis while a 36 Point Build could add a point to Strength.
1) Monk - Toughness, Human Bonus: TWF, Monk Bonus: Dodge
2) Monk - Monk Bonus: Toughness
3) Paladin - Power Attack
4) Paladin
5) Paladin
6) Paladin - Extend
7) Paladin
8) Paladin
9) Paladin - Improved TWF
10) Paladin
11) Paladin
12) Paladin - Improved Critical: Piercing
13) Paladin
14) Paladin
15) Paladin - Greater TWF
16) Paladin
17) Monk- Monk: Path of Inevitable Dominion
18) Monk - Combat Expertise
19) Monk
20) Monk - Toughness
Level order is mostly personal preference. You could take all the monk levels early if you like leveling monk-style more.
Intimidate, Concentration, UMD, Balance
Defender of Siberys II (6)
Ninja Spy I (4)
Bulwark of Good III (6)
Resistance of Good III (6)
Divine Might II (3)
Divine Sacrifice II (3)
Exalted Smite III (6)
Extra Smite Evil IV (10)
Divine Righteousness (1)
Armor Boost I (1)
Focus of Good I (1)
Improved Jump II (3)
Improved Tumble II (3)
Darkside Elemental Debuff (2)
Way of the Patient Tortoise II (3)
The rest of the 22 points can be distributed as you see fit through Paladin and Racial Toughnesses, Human Adaptabilities, Class Stat Enhancements, and Human/Monk Improved Recoveries.
10 Base
4 Icy Raiments Dodge
3 Chattering Ring Dodge
1 Nimble Trinket Dodge
1 Alchemical Dodge
1 Feat Dodge
7 Dexterity
5 Wisdom
2 Monk Bonus
4 Insight (Shroud Crafted)
5 Protection
8 Armor Bracers
4 Aura
55 Unbuffed
3 Barkskin
4 Shield
62 Self-Buffed
1 Dex Shrine
1 Wis Shrine
3 AC Crew
67 Guild-Buffed
5 Combat Expertise
3 Defender of Siberys II Stance
75 AC Mode
2 Full Barkskin
4 Bard Song
1 haste
2 Recitation
2 Full Paladin Aura
86 Raid-Buffed
1 Exceptional Wisdom +2
1 Exceptional Dexterity +2
3 Abishai Profane
91 Hypothetical Maximum
Hit Points:
20 Base
48 Monk
140 Paladin
200 Constitution (14 Base + 2 Tome + 6 Item + 2 Exceptional + 3 DoS II Stance + 2 Ship Buff + 1 Enhancement)
45 Shroud
10 Argo Favor
30 GFL
20 Toughness Item
66 3 Toughness Feats
15 Tortoise II
60 Toughness Enhancements
654 Tanking Hit Points
40 Yugo Pot
40 Exceptional +1 and Abishai
20 +4 Tome
20 Mountain Stance
774 Hypothetical Maximum
9/4/4 - 14 Paladin
5/5/5 - 6 Monk
6/7/5 - Stats
1/1/1 - Stat Shrines
5/5/5 - Resistance +5
6/6/6 - Divine Grace
2/2/2 - Good Luck +2
1/1/1 - Alchemical
4/4/4 - Aura
4/4/4 - Greater Heroism
43/40/38 - Basic Saves
4/2/2 - DoS II Stance
47/42/40 - Tanking Saves
Hypothetical (Somewhat Ridiculous) End-Game Gear:
Goggles: Concordant Opposition / SP / +5 Charisma Skills / +6 Wisdom
Helmet: Pirate +6 Seeker +15 Balance/Intimidate/Concentration/Whatever
Necklace: Epic Siren's Charm
Trinket: Epic Gem of Many Facets
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak / Good Luck +2
Belt: Mineral 2 / HP
Ring: Chattering Ring
Ring: Kyrian's or Thamor's / +2 STR or CON
Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion / Dexterity / Greater False Life
Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers / Toughness
Armor: Icy Raiment
Tell me what you think.![]()