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  1. #881
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sydril View Post
    Any chance that Past Life: Sorcerer feat might be a substitute for spell focus conjuration / evocation for the tier II requirements?
    Actually I asked this earlier and Eladrin said yes:

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    At the very least Eladrin, please let the sorc past life feat count as well. If we must sacrifice a feat to the elemental masters for this power, at least let it be one minorly useful. I am a big conjuration fan personally but many are not, and would probably prefer the sorc past life.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  2. #882
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Active pastlife:sorc isn't too useful. I would rather take pl:wizard instead to work as a spell focus. It's basically the same but for all schools. I don't understand why sorc pl would be replacement for spell focus even when dev says so.
    Last edited by shagath; 03-21-2011 at 05:41 PM.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  3. #883
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    Okay I did not take all the time to read each and every post but i've got a weird funny idea that has no precedence or area besides mastery of an element. Would it not be cool for sorcerors to be able to change state into an elemental of their respective element. Of course this would be a very special skill and would have to have extreme resistrictions and requirements. or what if they could summon an elemental "pet" or something? Yeah I know i have a fail idea but im just wondering.

  4. #884
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcanaking View Post
    Okay I did not take all the time to read each and every post but i've got a weird funny idea that has no precedence or area besides mastery of an element. Would it not be cool for sorcerors to be able to change state into an elemental of their respective element. Of course this would be a very special skill and would have to have extreme resistrictions and requirements. or what if they could summon an elemental "pet" or something? Yeah I know i have a fail idea but im just wondering.
    actually, that's exactly what elemental savants do in pen and paper; turn into an elemental of the appropriate type.

  5. #885
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    Being that APs are going to be even more tight than before because of the way the lines were split up and cost, you think that Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration and Greater Spell Focus: Evocation could be added to the 2nd group of prerequisites as well if a player would rather spend another feat for the prestige to save the aps? like:

    Sorcerer Air Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Storm Manipulation VII, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Focus: Evocation or Greater Dragonmark of Storm
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air or electrical spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid or earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a spell-like ability. You are now immune to most knockdown effects (but not slippery surfaces), can leap through the air with incredible grace, and an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
    Inherent Lightning Bolt
    You are able to cast Lightning Bolt as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Wind Dance
    You leap through the air, propelled by a gust of wind. (Cost: 5 sp; Abundant Step effect, 6 sec cooldown)

    With, of course, the greater focuses being added to all 4 prestiges as an option to take and qualify for the 3rd tier.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  6. #886
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noelemahc View Post
    With, of course, the greater focuses being added to all 4 prestiges as an option to take and qualify for the 3rd tier.
    It's not much of a cost if you want to take the ability anyway.

  7. #887
    Community Member Majere_Aumar's Avatar
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    I'm gonna love this prestige class ... sounds great ... time to dig up my sorc which has been in mothballs since archmage release.

  8. #888
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noelemahc View Post
    Being that APs are going to be even more tight than before because of the way the lines were split up and cost, you think that Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration and Greater Spell Focus: Evocation could be added to the 2nd group of prerequisites as well if a player would rather spend another feat for the prestige to save the aps? like:

    Sorcerer Air Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Storm Manipulation VII, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Focus: Evocation or Greater Dragonmark of Storm
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air or electrical spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid or earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a spell-like ability. You are now immune to most knockdown effects (but not slippery surfaces), can leap through the air with incredible grace, and an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
    Inherent Lightning Bolt
    You are able to cast Lightning Bolt as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Wind Dance
    You leap through the air, propelled by a gust of wind. (Cost: 5 sp; Abundant Step effect, 6 sec cooldown)
    With, of course, the greater focuses being added to all 4 prestiges as an option to take and qualify for the 3rd tier.
    I wish they would do that to. People talk feat starved, but I see the current lack of need for toughness, the future lack of need for extend, and a potential major reduction in the need for spell penetration. Meanwhile I could put that xtra six enhancement points to good use.

  9. #889
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Is there any particular reason that Sorc and Wiz PREs are limited to their specific classes?

    Just saying.

  10. #890
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Is there any particular reason that Sorc and Wiz PREs are limited to their specific classes?

    Just saying.
    I think so. Nuker PrEs for a sorcerer and versatile tricksters for a wizard.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  11. #891
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Is there any particular reason that Sorc and Wiz PREs are limited to their specific classes?

    Just saying.
    Yea, otherwise there'd be no point in having two seperate classes.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  12. #892
    Community Member liltova's Avatar
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    Ught oh.

    I can see it now, the already Lightning Spec'd pvpers, now being able to deal even higher damage with their Chain Lightning/Ball Lightning Nuking, but also getting "wings".

    Meh, guess the people that haven't learned this is a PvE game will QQ more on the forums.
    wiz·ard [wiz-erd]
    Definition #6 from 6. British Slang . superb; excellent; wonderful: That's wizard!
    Notice the slang doesn't say That's Sorcerer!

  13. #893
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Sorcerer Air Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Storm Manipulation VII, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, or Greater Dragonmark of Storm
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air or electrical spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid or earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a spell-like ability. You are now immune to most knockdown effects (but not slippery surfaces), can leap through the air with incredible grace, and an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
    Inherent Lightning Bolt
    You are able to cast Lightning Bolt as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Wind Dance
    You leap through the air, propelled by a gust of wind. (Cost: 5 sp; Abundant Step effect, 6 sec cooldown)

    Sorcerer Earth Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Earth Savant II, Acid Manipulation VII, Corrosive Spellcasting V, Deadly Acid V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over acid. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your air and electricity spells. Your acid resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast the Acid Blast spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to cause earthen hands to grab your opponent rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage, and an additional +2 bonus to the Balance skill.
    Inherent Acid Blast
    You are able to cast Acid Blast as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Earthen hands grasp your foe, rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage over time on a failed Reflex save (DC: 10 + Constution Modifier + Sorcerer Level). (Cost: 15 sp, 15 sec cooldown, 12 sec duration)

    Sorcerer Fire Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Fire Savant II, Flame Manipulation VII, Combustive Spellcasting V, Deadly Flame V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over flame. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting fire spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your cold or water spells. Your fire resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Fireball spell as a spell-like ability. You gain the ability to raise the internal temperature of a living creature to a horrifying degree, and an additional +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill.
    Inherent Fireball
    You are able to cast Fireball as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Heat Death
    You raise the internal temperature of a living target to lethal levels. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constitution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) or take 2000 points of fire damage as its blood (or other internal fluid) boils in a horrific manner. Fire creatures are immune to this effect. (Cost: 50 sp, 60 sec cooldown)
    Sorcerer Water Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Water Savant II, Frost Manipulation VII, Glacial Spellcasting V, Deadly Ice V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over ice. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting cold or water spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your fire spells. Your cold resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Frost Lance spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to attempt to lock an opponent in an Icy Prison, dealing cold damage and may freeze them in place, and an additional +2 bonus to the Swim skill.
    Inherent Frost Lance
    You are able to cast Frost Lance as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Icy Prison
    You deal 500 cold damage to your opponent, with a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) for half damage, and an additional Reflex save or be encased in ice. Ice creatures are immune to this effect, and the target gets occasional saves to attempt to escape.. (Cost: 25 sp, 60 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration)
    All of which have no self healing aspecs .. use CON instead of CHA for DC's and either have massive cool downs or completely useless powers aside from the abundant step which like pali wings .. costs you spell points making it all but useless.

    I dont understand why anyone would want to be anything but a pale master on a fleshy caster. Sorcs suck ... unless warforged and then they are already wasting too much of there mana healing themselves.

    As a Pale master i get into stance cast displacement and stand in the firewall ... allowing tanks to do there job and dps .... Sorcs run around like crybabies in circles preying they dont get hurt enough to drain there mana bar.

    I was really hoping that the SORC pres would make being a sorc worth it ... but the only reason to be a sorc is so you can TR into a wizard and be useful. That is sad.
    From the looks of it ... Fire savant is the only decent one of the bunch .. and right now most end game mobs and bosses are immune to fire damage or at very least massively reduced damage.

    Also ... what happened to "NINJA SPY will be getting a rework like Shintao did to make up for the TOD changes" is that coming in Update 9 or 10?
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  14. #894
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drfirewater79 View Post
    All of which have no self healing aspecs .. use CON instead of CHA for DC's and either have massive cool downs or completely useless powers aside from the abundant step which like pali wings .. costs you spell points making it all but useless.
    FvS not Pali. Pay attention to any high level FvS, and you'll see them use it constantly. 5 sp is a drop in the bucket.

  15. #895
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    FvS not Pali. Pay attention to any high level FvS, and you'll see them use it constantly. 5 sp is a drop in the bucket.
    I try to remember to not use my wings when I know that I'm going to fall and don't want Featherfall on (Syber Atoll, Risian coin jumping, jumping down to the boss fight in a couple of Amrath quests, the first jump in Coal Chamber, etc).

    I usually end up jumping out of habit anyway.

    The primary downside to FvS wings that I can see is that you get so spoiled that it makes you not want to play your other characters. Of course, my Fighter's DPS also makes me less enthusiastic about playing other characters, too, so I guess there's a trade off or something.

  16. #896
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    The real question is...

    Are they going to help me, the Idiot Savant in this coming update?
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

  17. #897
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    Those Savant goodies look so tasty :P Time to TR my Wiz into ice Sorc :P

  18. #898
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    actually, that's exactly what elemental savants do in pen and paper; turn into an elemental of the appropriate type.
    I wish it was that way, because I believe that would be pretty cool

  19. #899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drfirewater79 View Post
    All of which have no self healing aspecs .. use CON instead of CHA for DC's and either have massive cool downs or completely useless powers aside from the abundant step which like pali wings .. costs you spell points making it all but useless.

    I dont understand why anyone would want to be anything but a pale master on a fleshy caster. Sorcs suck ... unless warforged and then they are already wasting too much of there mana healing themselves.

    As a Pale master i get into stance cast displacement and stand in the firewall ... allowing tanks to do there job and dps .... Sorcs run around like crybabies in circles preying they dont get hurt enough to drain there mana bar.

    I was really hoping that the SORC pres would make being a sorc worth it ... but the only reason to be a sorc is so you can TR into a wizard and be useful. That is sad.
    From the looks of it ... Fire savant is the only decent one of the bunch .. and right now most end game mobs and bosses are immune to fire damage or at very least massively reduced damage.

    Also ... what happened to "NINJA SPY will be getting a rework like Shintao did to make up for the TOD changes" is that coming in Update 9 or 10?
    IDK about you, but 31d6 chain lightnings (assuming it doesn't get a cap put on it) sounds pretty sexy.

    Wings..... are the greatest parts of being a fvs. 5 Spell points is a drop in the pool, and I wing almost everywhere on my fvs.

    Funny you should say fire looks to be the only decent one of the bunch; to me, it looks like by far the weakest. A lot of end game is immune to fire, you gain 3 damage on a firewall and 3d6 on a DBF. Big freaking deal. Also, the nuke? If it doesn't save, you can remind yourself that it could have been a finger of death.

    I've totally revised my opinion on air; Acid, air, and water are all fairly balanced, while being unique in their own way. Acid deals very constant damage for a long period of time, coupled with a new cc power, but may be weaker than air/water. Knockdown immunity and wings and some of the best damage spells will make air extremely viable, and it is essentially without a drawback (what are you giving up? FTS is useless now that death effects work in epics). Ice is all about increasing single target dps.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  20. #900
    Community Member Tom_Hunters's Avatar
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    I just wonder why the fire savant III Heat Death, the water savant III Icy Prison and the earth savant III Earth Grab have a DC based on Constitution? I bet Charisma will make more sense??

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