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  1. #661
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    I think that for Fire Savant on level 6 that will be CL:8 fireball (CL6 + 2)
    Yes, ofcourse. My bad, even better then.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  2. #662
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin
    You are able to curse an enemy, increasing electrical damage they take by 15%. This effect stacks with itself up to five times. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)

    Did we miss this? I thought it was a valid point.

  3. #663
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    Geez, some people are getting a little dramatic about this, and in a couple posts, rather depressing.

    To many people seem to think that Sorcs *shouldn't* have to specialize. Oh really? Go play some PnP D&D and you're realize this PrE is a better reflection of that.

  4. #664
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozkal-mo View Post
    Geez, some people are getting a little dramatic about this, and in a couple posts, rather depressing.

    To many people seem to think that Sorcs *shouldn't* have to specialize. Oh really? Go play some PnP D&D and you're realize this PrE is a better reflection of that.
    The difference between this and PnP is that there are a lot more spells in PnP than in DDO. Currently, electric and acid are severely lacking in comparison to ice and fire, unless Turbine releases some quality spells to make those savants relevant, people are just going to go fire at low and mid lvls and ice at high lvls, with force and untype the whole way through as a backup. I need to be sold more on this than just a better polar ray.

  5. #665
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    I must say I was very unimpresed with tier one of these PrE's, but the tier 2 curse makes them much better.

    The ability to increase party dps and not just personal dps is always welcome and this adds to party dps (although no where near what the outstanding FvS PrE).
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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  6. #666
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozkal-mo View Post
    Geez, some people are getting a little dramatic about this, and in a couple posts, rather depressing.

    To many people seem to think that Sorcs *shouldn't* have to specialize. Oh really? Go play some PnP D&D and you're realize this PrE is a better reflection of that.
    in PnP D&D, i have dozens of options for sorcerer prestige enhancements, only one of which is elemental savant. furthermore, unless there is a full transformation at tier 3, this prestige enhancement does not even remotely reflect on what the PnP version does.

    and, on top of that, in PnP D&D, you generally don't face too many enemies with the kinds of saving throws we're facing. the basic gear needed for getting sufficient DC is readily available by default (you can craft it, or buy it from a vendor, etc) and not based on raid loot. in PnP, a level 20 sorcerer doesn't have to deal with DC 38 saving throws being expected to have a reasonable chance of success (note: the requirement for DC is going up, as epic mobs are losing some of their save debuff... so i expect my DC 38 is no longer going to be sufficient. depending on how much the saves go up by, neither will madryoch's DC 41 (soon to be DC 40 as he swaps feats to SF: conjuration i believe).

    the more i see, the less i desire to play my (currently effective, soon to be gimp) sorcerer. fortunately, i've got pretty decent gear to turn my sorcerer into a favored soul. maybe even a wizard so i can farm for the past life (honestly, making yet another wizard is not really appealing to me at all, but you can't argue with their insane past life being better than any other past life in the game) i'll probably TR out of sorcerer into a class that isn't being specifically designed to punish me for wanting variety.

    this entire update sucks massively for my sorcerer (not necessarily all sorcerers, mind you). the more i see, the less interested i am in playing a sorcerer. it's particularly disappointing because i had high hopes for this update, and now i'm wishing it wasn't even coming. i'll give it a try, but i fully expect to want to TR my sorcerer into something else that doesn't get screwed over for wanting more than one way to resolve situations shortly.

  7. #667
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    Wanna be loved by your guild members ?

    Take Air Savant...

    +75% LitII damage.
    +75% Shocking burst damage.
    +75% Epic Shocking burst damage.

    ''Melee Dps: We need an AS sorc for our lightning dps!''
    ''Quagmire: Huh! Yes, yes, yes, find one, yes.''

  8. #668
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    Sorcerer Air Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Storm Manipulation VII, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, or Greater Dragonmark of Storm
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air or electrical spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid or earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a spell-like ability. You are now immune to most knockdown effects (but not slippery surfaces), can leap through the air with incredible grace, and an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
    Inherent Lightning Bolt
    You are able to cast Lightning Bolt as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Wind Dance
    You leap through the air, propelled by a gust of wind. (Cost: 5 sp; Abundant Step effect, 6 sec cooldown)

    Sorcerer Earth Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Earth Savant II, Acid Manipulation VII, Corrosive Spellcasting V, Deadly Acid V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over acid. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your air and electricity spells. Your acid resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast the Acid Blast spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to cause earthen hands to grab your opponent rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage, and an additional +2 bonus to the Balance skill.
    Inherent Acid Blast
    You are able to cast Acid Blast as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Earthen hands grasp your foe, rendering them helpless and dealing bludgeoning damage over time on a failed Reflex save (DC: 10 + Constution Modifier + Sorcerer Level). (Cost: 15 sp, 15 sec cooldown, 12 sec duration)

    Sorcerer Fire Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Fire Savant II, Flame Manipulation VII, Combustive Spellcasting V, Deadly Flame V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over flame. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting fire spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your cold or water spells. Your fire resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Fireball spell as a spell-like ability. You gain the ability to raise the internal temperature of a living creature to a horrifying degree, and an additional +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill.
    Inherent Fireball
    You are able to cast Fireball as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Heat Death
    You raise the internal temperature of a living target to lethal levels. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constitution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) or take 2000 points of fire damage as its blood (or other internal fluid) boils in a horrific manner. Fire creatures are immune to this effect. (Cost: 50 sp, 60 sec cooldown)
    Sorcerer Water Savant III
    Level 18 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Water Savant II, Frost Manipulation VII, Glacial Spellcasting V, Deadly Ice V, and either Sorcerer Improved Empowering II or Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: You have completed your elemental mastery over ice. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting cold or water spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your fire spells. Your cold resistance grows to 15 points and you now bypass 15 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Frost Lance spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to attempt to lock an opponent in an Icy Prison, dealing cold damage and may freeze them in place, and an additional +2 bonus to the Swim skill.
    Inherent Frost Lance
    You are able to cast Frost Lance as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 6 sp, 6 sec cooldown)

    Icy Prison
    You deal 500 cold damage to your opponent, with a Fortitude save (DC: 10 + Constution Modifier + Sorcerer Level) for half damage, and an additional Reflex save or be encased in ice. Ice creatures are immune to this effect, and the target gets occasional saves to attempt to escape.. (Cost: 25 sp, 60 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration)

  9. #669
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    Omg first after Eladrin :P

    So, as it looks, regarding actual epics:
    - Earth (earthgrab, 12 secs duration, 15 secs cooldown)
    - Ice (Icy Prison, 30 secs duration, 60 secs cooldown)

    Regarding personnal DPS:
    - Ice : Low cost Niacs and Frostlance.
    - Fire : Low Cost Scorching ray, UBER DPS LONG COOLDOWN Heat Death.*

    Regarding party DPS:
    - Air (+75% to all lightning (if WAI)).

    Regarding utility:
    - Air (abundant step).

    *Which will never land on epic bosses due to the fact that its a ''modified'' DC Fort save. (DC 10 + Caster Con Mod + Sorc level). So usually between 35-40.
    Last edited by Kralael; 03-18-2011 at 05:56 PM.

  10. #670
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kralael View Post
    Omg first after Eladrin :P

    And I must say: This is good PrE... Very good Very well designed Good work Eladrin

    But one question: Is savant will get unique look?
    Last edited by Requiro; 03-18-2011 at 06:16 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  11. #671
    Hatchery Founder
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    Wow. Looks like if you want to go for the most damage as a Savant one should still to fire or ice. Abundant Step ability for air looks paltry in comparison.

    Edit: But then I do so loving using Wings and Abundant Step....gah! Decisions!
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  12. #672
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    If I wasn't excited for Earth before, I really am now.

    These extra abilities look fun, but I'm still not tempted to go Air.

  13. #673
    Community Member C00LBR33Z3's Avatar
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    It looks good, I think I'll unretire my sorc

  14. #674
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozkal-mo View Post
    If I wasn't excited for Earth before, I really am now.

    These extra abilities look fun, but I'm still not tempted to go Air.
    Your party will /cry in joy and /hug ya so hard if you go air.

  15. #675
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Ohh prestige 3 made em look nice all of a sudden :-)
    Argh i love leap of faith, will be hard to decide who to do. Ok time grind out those 3 wiz lifes first so can dump a feat on the foci :-)

  16. #676
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    Do the water and fire Tier 3 abilities get enhanced by metamagics, enhancements, items and such?

  17. #677
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    1. Will the resistances granted by the Elemental savants stacks with the resistance granted by the ''Resists'' spell line ?
    2. Will the Elemental savants ToD rings get revamped ?
    3. Will the Elemental savants get elemental forms ? Just like they have in PnP ?

    Edit: Oh and, Thanks for posting the T3 :P
    Last edited by Kralael; 03-18-2011 at 06:08 PM.

  18. #678
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Looks good for what we get, but is unfinished. There are no elemental forms (EXTREMELY disappointed about this!!), no way to bypass immunities, even partially, and the SLAs are too low-level of spells, but it's good for a start. I hope this gets an upgrade ala Pale Master shortly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  19. #679
    Hatchery Founder
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    Air is more and more looking to be the "Safe" choice of the Savants. You don't have to give up any fire or cold spells, and you gain some useful utility abilities (Featherfall and Abundant Step). Plus with many monsters not being immune or resistant to electricity, one can rely on electricity more than other elements.

    That all said...2000 fire damage....*drool*
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
    Member of the DDO Player Council

    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
    Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer

  20. #680
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Air seems a little week compare with others.

    It has no good SL-a without save (Shocking Grasp? ), No additional damage ability on level 18. Feather Fall effect is not impressive (but nice) same as Abundant Step (but this is still nice for many tactics).

    What about to give him additional completely free (no SP, colddown: 5 sec) Gust of Wind SL-a on level 18. Very week spell (especially on that level), but it has it own usefulness (like wind up the firewalls)
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Player remembers. Player never forgets.
    I'm not native speaker

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