Nah, just the response you get to ridiculous claims.
Love me some calculations that are based on assumption. A previous quote too for the lawls.Originally Posted by tinyelvis
Its this sort of back and fourth that makes you hard to follow and agree with. I'll agree on your previous point that Toughness isn't required by all. But I'd toss in its **** hard to pass up. For my own character, a Rogue, I've thought of dropping it. I'm at an unbuffed 497 HP with it. Dropping it would give me 1 feat and 7 AP to use. But what would I do with it? Take Quick Draw for a tiny bit more damage? OTWF for +2 hit? Those things don't compare with 52 HP, regardless of how much I find myself having. And nevermind the APs, they'd be spent on things with little to now value like trap saves or bonuses to skills. And while you could forgo it to grab another Focus for +1 DC, I can't wrap my head around why you'd want to short change yourself like that. As Omni said, you're in insta-gib territory, regardless of whatever epics you solo or how amazing you may be. A screw up is a screw up, whether on your part or another. If you don't have the HP to survive that, then what use are those extra DCs or your CC or your DPS? Solo away by all means, no one can really argue that, but state so in the beginning, not that "epic was nerfed because of builds that prioritized HP." That's just BS. If anything, I'd side with epics were nerfed because glass cannons didn't know how to build to be a strong character, rather than a pewpewpew chug a pot pewpewpew build. I'd even go so far as to say the Sorc TIII abilities being based on Con is evidence of that. :P Although I'd like to believe its been done more to be in line with elementals, perhaps leaving the door open for the future, maybe adding in that you unlock an elemental form with your capstone based on your PrE.
And no, you're not going to run around at 200 HP in anything in endgame. Hell, that low and you're talking gimping gear even, forgoing a Con item, GS HP, GFL, Toughness item, exceptional Con, etc.
I see the point now concerning where your 8 AP difference came from, but next time try and lay it out, not pull a number outta the air and add it to the number I provided, which double dips. I'm all for variety in builds and people being able to do what they prefer, but that comment about the epic nerf set the direction of this the wrong way, even more so when it came to the point (that you have yet to really address) of which stats are going to be more important than Cha and Con. Acting high and mighty when you're taking the counter point doesn't really get you very far by stating you solo many epics, toughness isn't needed, Con isn't needed, can heal yourself with 200 HP, etc. Take a step back and explain stuff out, why you feel such. Doubt this would of continued as it had if that would of been said rather than "tired of explaining to noobs" "no time to teach" etc.