People mention ...
But in reality is not the one shot ... but the two or three shot which kills. A roll of one on a save followed by multiple ranged and melee attacks in quick succession before the situation allows reaction. Tinyelvis is correct as (Sgail solo'd epic snitch, claw, partycrashers, von 1 - an elven wiz wo a PrE which is spec'd nearly all damage enhancements, toon was rolled in a by-gone era). The difference in playing this style though is less zurge... bitting off less at a time and consolidation. Precaution bites into mana pools and managing mana pool more important.
The easiest resource on the character to replenish is indeed HP and the hardest is SP. The wiz above has 350hp, figure 370 raged, and then add in stone skin, GH, resists, blur, displace... etc... now we're replacing hp with SP. Top off regen via her con op and torq and we're slowly replacing back.
DC is actually the equivalent of a melee's "to-hit" - mirrors such in aspect and why CC equivalence up there with melee in epics and even among many damage spells so you must look and select damage spells where saves are less prevalent when going thru spell choices.
In conversation last night with a guildie - he's somewhat ticked at the coming changes concerning his sorc, he states why make his sorc more marginally scoped in limits of CC for epic content. Thinking such over I realized is this PrE and the cries of all complaining the scope of epic content in what is useful and not that the changes coming to them exists... my personal view is that why such places use to more abilities of more classes the outcome will be more weight placed on the resource pool in particular on the divine.
Every nuker knows mitigation and DPS are at odds with one another ... mitigation robs from the upper tiers of DPS, sp use on buffs is less sp use on DPS spell and personal evading affects output of streamlined nuking... is a given. DPS zerge - the reason many melee persist is due constant flowing DPS with a dicine strapped to the backs four or five heavy melee rip through raid bosses in under a minute - 200000hp+ - the mitigation being nothing more than HP along with some cures allowing the constant flow of 600 DPS from each of the members of the line. The divine blue bar is being traded in ratio for the mobs red bar in such case.
If the the melee had to self mitigate the DPS drops this is why the quickest route to end-reward is but shear brute force... if self mitigating DPS does go down and true in every class.