Yes all pugs are very bad at this time, I am really let down by what I have seen in the previous week. And i kinda blame(although not that I don't like it) the cc event. Too many 'never been 20' before ppl are at the higher levels with NO KNOW HOW or GEAR to handle it.
Way too many people join my epic/raid's and expect to simply be carried though the quest. I've failed a NORMAL shroud the other day, A NORMAL shroud, a raid I can solo on my rog(and I WAS ON my rog) with the right planning/resources, and it failed.
To have the cleric tap out all his mana in part 1... ok... fine he must have been dumping sp on portals, fine with that.
Then again empty in part 2... alright, it happens, ppl everywhere, so... ok can deal with that.
No heals/cures thrown in part 3 at all. 2 healers. No healing at all, people dying.. but this is fine, its part 3, not like its 'THAT' much of an issue.
Part 4 both clerics drop in the first round. *** why were they meleeing harry? Oh yea, cuz I said 'all melee's in center please' OOPS! Shoulda realized I managed to recruit two 'I dun helz, Imabattle' clerics.
Later on during a epic fathom run, I got ppl throwing switches while caster is trying to shrine, people charging though the back tunnels where the wilo'wisps are, and (GASP) leading 4 water elementals and 3 wisps back to the group, etc.
Its like this last month people just do - not - care because SOMEONE will always clean up their mess.
Guess if you only played lv 1-5 then are suddenly 20, this is to be expected?
(That Guy! build)
PM name please - And the quality of PUG doesn't seem to have changed to me. Then again, I've been running on a lowbie recently...He's level 10 right now and kicking some serious behind.![]()
Gief hazte plz!
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
pm cleric name plz......i think i may know who it is.......
I think you're right. In my case, I know you are. I just got one TR to 19, and am working towards 20. My other is 10. Then again, we're not pugging. Just 3 of us guildies. 2 TR's and another working on leveling his piker, err....bard.
I saw another thread suggesting a TR channel on Sarlona. Maybe it's not a bad idea so we can group like-minded people and blast thru the content we wanna run? It also would promote good guild relations too! ^.^
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
Last edited by ulticleo; 03-17-2011 at 06:40 PM.
To be fair, last Shroud I was in I asked for 5 hastes, lucky the arcane was my friend, they all got a good laugh though.
Clerics name?
I'm not sure if you're haunting the Sarlona forums but I only pug Shroud and 95% of the runs I'm on are 1 rounders. I run Shroud at least 3 times every 3 days (4 characters can run it but can't be bothered with 1).
I had a "questionable makeup" party last night with a friend leading. Looked like 3 squishy/noob rogues (2 less than 350 hp, 1 less than 300), 3 arcanes and at least one guy who was new to Shroud. Myself and a cleric healing. Was smooth but I found a little tense as I knew there was a higher "**** hitting the fan" factor than most pugs I run. 1 rounder of course (geared up arcanes dropping nukes did it at the end I think).
i play the khyber server and i am a proud member of my guild 'the dragon order of arcanix' or DOA as we are known to those who run with us - the shroud seems to me to be the raid that makes or breaks a raid leader - if you can pull it together despite all those who wish THEY had the star and finish harry, no matter how many rounds it takes (i've completed even after 5 rounds) - then you are an excellent raid leader and deserve a cookie! for sure! - if you fall apart and get owned, well, only liars have 100% completion at the shroud - i know, because its just like herding cats - some days they do what you want and you think your in control, but its just a set-up for the next time so it really stings when they all scatter and chase different mice while you lead in vain, wasting your time and energy for nothing it seems, then you wipe and its all YOUR fault since you have the star and why didn't you make so-and-so do such and such, blah blah BLAH, etc. - LOL is all you can do and then put up a new ad that reads 'SHROUD' and go again, cuz you love it !!!
It's the welfare Epics....
Pay NO attention to the 10/12 CON FTR or BRB, they have Epic Gear! Watch em link all the T1 Epic Gear available in the event. Can't you tell? They iz teh uberz naow! How are those Brawling Gloves doing for you Mr. Armed Melee guy? At least you have +15 to Search and Spot now! Those pesky hidden MOBs in Tempest Spine better watch out now!
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
Question for you - did someone give Harry steroids?
Ran a shroud Friday night that was smoothe sailing through the first four parts - part 4 was a 2-rounder, but it was a short 2-rounder that was never in doubt - but then we get to part 5 and Harry was pounding the melee harder than I had ever seen. It was as if he was somehow able to bypass foritfication and damage reduction, while at the same time not take damage. I think we wiped with him still at 50% health.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC