Yeah so doing Shroud this morning, I was last in group. We go into part 1 and do the typical stuff. The cleric is asking for haste and bard cast haste on group(after bard said he just cast it at last portal). Well cleric is still asking for haste, the wiz casts haste on group. Cleric is STILL asking haste, wiz pipes up and says "shut up, I personally cast haste on you last time, take off boots?". Cleric says have fun and drops group....
I send tell to the cleric after he/she drops.
Me: thats cold man
Cleric: He told me to shut up!
Me: So you screw the whole party over because of 1 person telling you to shut up?
Cleric: that group was noobs and was insulting before entering<--- maybe this happened before I joined? Notta clue, party was quite quiet the whole run.
Yeah ok, welcome to my friends list....
O yeah, had 2 DC's before part 4(1 came back) and Twigg still solo'd healed with no pots.
Shove your heals pal! Bad form IMO. If 1 guy ****ed you off, then don't heal THAT guy! lol
O yeah and Happy B-day to me!

Please send presents to Sheanto!