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Thread: Cleric Classes

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Cleric Classes

    Sorry this has taken so long, but had a crazy situation at work that finally got resolved. Now without further ado, the update.

    Yes I am going to have cleric classes and hope to do the first trial on Wednesday, March 16 somewhere after 5pm EST. One of our guildies has actually done a monk class already, but it was a light path, very basic one. An indepth one will follow soon. When I post the LFM, Character name will be Jamiez and Description will read Cleric Class. If you are really interested in helping, aka teaching etc. Please pm me or send me a tell in game. I will take up to 3 "teachers" so as to leave at least 8 slots for "students". We will be doing other classes as well, and when we set them up, I will post in here what to look for. Hope to see you all soon!
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  2. #2
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    What kind of 'teaching' u doing? Battle Cleric, Healbot, just plain all around do everything Cleric?

  3. #3
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Yes, do we have a lesson plan? What is the plan? What skills are important to teach to new clerics? Is there some assumed reading such as the Path to Enlightenment?

    Perhaps lesson 1: Is your character already gimped beyond repair?
    Lesson 2: ...

  4. #4
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    Well, if I wasn't so sleepy, I would find my previous post and link it. Basically the classes are for people who want to play a cleric, but are scared too, or those who play one and have no clue whats going on. I won't be focusing on healbots, though I can give private "lessons" if needed. What we are really trying for is to help people make a viable build that can heal, fight if needed and generally contribute in all aspects to a pug, or a guild party/raid. Stats, gear, etc. will all be covered. This will be mainly for those who want to cleric, but don't have a clue on how to get started and would like some info, in a "real" enviroment. Cleric newbs, if you will. Not trying to make a complete solo cleric, but one who will be an asset to any group he/she is in.

    Theres the link if you're interested.

    I do have a general idea for a leson plan, but that's why this first run will be the "trial" one. Add Jaimez to your friends and look for me wax, and we can go over some things that you think need to be covered such as:

    2. Why when it's not your fault, it still is your fault that the party wiped....
    Last edited by BansheeMalthus; 03-15-2011 at 04:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  5. #5
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    Sounds like fun, would like to sit in on a session just to hear what is covered though, unfortunately I have to work till much past the start time.

    GL Banshee.
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  6. #6
    Community Member chadj82371's Avatar
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    Hey Banshee,

    Still willing to help out but can't make this time slot (don't generally leave the office til closer to 7 e.s.t. and can't usually get on til closer to 10). But I'm guessing the time for these classes will probably be fluid from one class to the next, so I'll watch for the next one.

    Good luck with it. Let me know how it goes.
    Antello - Kinisar - Erifeci
    Antelli - Antelly - Antellia

    The Rogue Saints - Sarlona

  7. #7
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    rule #1 its always the clerics fault :P

  8. #8
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    First class went well. Not a lot of people, but the time slot was kinda bad, and thats my fault. We did manage to help several clerics with builds and spell prep, and such. Hopefully, a few more of these will mean clerics on Sarlona will soon be ready for any quest, at any level! Will post soon with next time slot.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  9. #9
    Community Member Bbrik's Avatar
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    I have played since beta but my account has gone FTP and I can only play about every other weekend now but I have a YouTube page called ... It has been abandoned basically but I really would like to see it used for its main purpose I had when making it.

    Now my idea was that I would just delete everything from that site and maybe make it what I had originally wanted it to be, a site that you could come learn tips, tricks, character guides, quest guides, and etc... I would really love to start it back up and can give you the info for it and you could maybe record a video giving walk throughs on classes so it wouldn't be JUST for sarlona or JUST as big as the party can hold, and for the people that missed it.

    Please email me at , if you would like to talk about this more in depth... I love the idea of these classes, I think that is what makes DDO so much better than other games, is the amount of help people are willing to give for one person and still turn around and do it for the next person. I love giving advice and recieving it even though I have been playing since beta. Like in life you never stop learing and I think this is a great way for people to learn and would really like to see it expanded from a single server and single groups to who ever can type in youtube into their search bar. Hopefully you find this idea as great as I did haha. Look forward to talk about it more.

    Proud Leader of Zerger's Anonymous

  10. #10
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    Will do man! And, this isnt just for Sarlona, I have actually had people invite me to their servers and viceversa. Im just starting on Sarlona, since thats where the majority of my toons are atm.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  11. #11
    Community Member Bbrik's Avatar
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    Ok got ya, I just thought if we were to use this site youtube page for what it was actually intended for then it would be a great refernce. Again I can't say how great this is what your doing. It's taking what most players do on a one on one level and expanding it. But you have the email there and I also posted the YouTube page if you want to take a look.

    Proud Leader of Zerger's Anonymous

  12. #12
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    If there are "evening classes" being offered, sign me up to teach - I'm generally not on until 10 pm-ish Eastern time.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  13. #13
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    Will do man. Thats what time im normally on, but I was off yesterday and wanted to at least get started.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  14. #14
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Red face

    planning to continue/repeat cleric classes later? may be repeat classes once a month? that will be great for those who missed out.

  15. #15
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Lesson 1:
    Listening to "Hjeal PLZ!" For 20 minutes, until the quest completes and then people pretend you didnt get any kills, you werent CCing and you didnt cast a single spell.

    Lesson 2:
    Hiding the bodies.

  16. #16
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    Yes I do thax, it will be after the event though.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

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