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  1. #1
    Community Member Tazweb's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Smile Brotherhood of Artesians on Thelanis is recruiting

    We are mature players work together and help each other out and have fun while doing it. The guild is on the lookout for mature team players on the Thelanis server. Send PM or look us up in game.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2011

    Default New to DDO - benefits of a guild

    I am new to DDO as of about 2 weeks ago. Played PnP using first addition books and dice for years (40+ years old...). I am running a 5th lvl rogue and just bought turbine points specifically for collectible bags and healing potions so that I don't have to keep running back to vendors to keep my inventory space available. (Still waiting for enough Coin Lord favor for the extra backpack slot...) What are the advantages of joining a guild. I have come across a couple of items that have guild level restrictions, so will that allow me to use these items? What other benefits are there? Playing only on Thelanis with the same toon. Not even sure that I know how to join a guild...

  3. #3
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Jan 2011


    there are plenty of good reasons to join (of create) a guild. As the guild gains levels, you will unlock new things, like the ability to buy discount hirelings. Also, using 'augment' crystals to improve certain peices of gear. And of course, you'll have a pool of people online who would be more willing than the general population to help you with a quest, or answer a question, or whatever.
    This forum area (recruitment) is great for finding active guilds on your server, but maybe the best way to find a guild is to join pick-up-groups during the time you usually play, and ask the ppl you're playing with. that way you're more likely to find players that'll be on when you are.
    Personally, I joined the game at the same time that another friend did, and we mostly stick together, so we formed our own guild, and have been picking up new players as we go along.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2011

    Default Guild benefits

    THX B.Ogre. That answer seems logical, but I guess my real question is are there specific reasons to join(start) a guild? 1) if I start/join a guild, would I be able to use "guild restricted items?" 2) other than the "part of the community" and established groups of people to run with, why not not just PUG it if I feel like running with a group. 3) If I join and hate it, how hard is to leave a guild (are they going to send out teams of assassins to hunt my toon wherever I go?)

    Up to this point, I have run purely solo. I have not even messed with pugs so far. I would really like to use a couple of "guild restricted" items that I have picked up here and there but don't want, so early in my DDO life, to get sucked into some time-demanding guild when I am still trying to figure out the ins and outs. I have always enjoyed playing a thief/assassin using the original AD&D rules, and part of that is the loner type of mentality (I was rather disappointed to discover that there is no PvP damage in DDO - again totally in character, I have been known, much to the dismay of people I campaign with, to kill/backstab some overly damaged companions after a tremendous battle and run off not only with the spoils of the battle, but their equipment as well). - BTW- who has ever heard of a rogue(thief) with a GOOD ALIGNMENT!!!! Cannot even go Chaotic Neutral! - Got off track. My rogue will never be the most social of toons. If he could get away with pick pocketing and pilfering his way through a quest with a bunch of other toons and make more than his fair share, then I would be more inclined to guild or pug dugeon crawl, however, other than needing the extra blade or spell right now, I'd rather not have to split loot and/or experience. I don't want to be the groups' trapmonkey, i'd rather play a rogue. Bottom Line: It is hard to play GOOD, when really, I just want to be BAD!

  5. #5
    Community Member Tazweb's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    1) Yes you would. 2) With a guild you have an easy access to people who can answer your questions and help you out. 3) It is easy to leave, just a click of button.

    I like having the guildies to run with instead of pugging as you learn their abilities and what they can an can not do. Makes it easier to run in a group also and with guildies makes it easier to get equipment when needed verses buying on AH which can really have inflated prices. I sent you a PM if you would like to try a guild out, I'll give you a try.

  6. #6
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Jan 2011


    Ha, I know what you mean about playing a rogue on PnP. I often picked a goodie or two off of my friends. They were very patient people

    As far as splitting experience while in a guild, that's not how it works. You get experience as you normally would, with bonuses or penalties like normal. As a rogue, you WOULD likely be expected to disarm when questing in a group, just like you'd expect the cleric to heal you and the fighter to bash for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Dec 2008


    I have been in or in contact with three guilds in my time in DDO. The first says to me "Well in order to become a member of this guild you have to be VIP" so I went VIP and as soon as I did they basically told me "you're too new a player for us" and they just never sent me an invite after that.

    The second had 20 members on the roster and only 4 active players, that would frequently wait 30 minutes or more doing a LFM, in addition to not being forthcoming in any game advice , that might actually help a guildie become better, it was like trying to interrogate a member of the Gestapo to get any gerund info from them.

    The third one is this guild here, Brotherhood of Artesians. And as sure as I live and breathe , I can promise you that they are nothing like the two previous examples. The core members will give the shirt off their backs to help you any way they can, they do not put crazy time constraints on you to show up at certain times or demand that you show up at all if you don't want to. They wont hunt you down and haunt anybody that leaves the guild for any reason, too busy doing things with members that want to be there to be bothered with that kiddie Krap.

    If you are looking for a Guild that acts like a happy family, I would give these folks a chance, worst that can happen is you discover how they do things is not for you and you are free to move on , so you only lose time you would have spent in game anyway.

    just my two cents.

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