Episode 208 is ready! Some parts of the recording are a bit rough due technical difficulties. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
Join Sig and Anne with guest hosts Ros & Ecgric. This week have Round Table Talk on the DDO B-day event, Turbine @ PAX East News, and Community Events. This week's segments includes Epic Education, Poetry corner and Crunchy Bits Live talks on Armor Class.
DDOcast Episode 208 (03-12-11)
0:15 Introductions
1:34 DDO Game News
10:45 LICH Line Caller - Favored Soul PrE Angel of Vengence Talk
22:03 DDO Store News
24:01 SteinerDavion interviews Fernando Paiz @ PAX East 2011
40:14 Round Table Talk: Update 9 PrEs, Crafting & More
56:36 DDO Poetry Corner with Skaggy The Poet
59:20 DDO Community News
1:04:50 SteinerDavion @ the Turbine Party
1:06:45 What's New with Guests
1:10:38 Crunchy Bits Live: Tactic Feats
1:24:55 Interview with Ecgric
TOTAL TIME: 1:41:30
LINK DDO Monster Madness
LINK Make Your Own Luck Screenshot Contests
LINK Screenshot of the Week: Taekhir gets a posthumous look at the Warforged Titan
LINK DDO Forum Reconstructions
LINK DDO Store News
LINK Lorehound’s Video:PAX East 2011: Interview with DDO: Eberron Unlimited’s Fernando Paiz
LINK Eladrin on Update 9: Angel of Vengeance
LINK Ten Ton Hammer Video: Update 9 Crafting
LINK Yskuma's Android DDO Encyclopedia App
LINK Quarterling's DDO UI Skins Tutorial Revamp
LINK Eberron Chronicle
LINK NighteShayde's Pics from PAX East 2011
LINK Cordovan's Pics from PAX East 2011
LINK Anne's Healing Amp Article
LINK Tuffmann’s 4v4 Congo Bowl
LINK The Escapist Magazine is having their 2011 March Mayhem Developer’s Showdown!
LINK PAX East 2011 Clues Group-Think Thread
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
UStream URL: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ddocast
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ddocast
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DDOcast
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne