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  1. #41
    Community Member SirenVisigoth's Avatar
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    On Khyber, I keep my capped FVS on anon. I mean, ok yeah, it only takes a few seconds to type "/r No thanks.", but when you are constantly getting tells, it gets annoying.

    Not only that, but some tells were from people I had run with before, and they knew I was female and thought they could cajole me into healing for them, and thus would not take no for answer.

    Sometimes I'd get tells that were just something like "Hard Vod?" Maybe it's because I'm a girl, but I like being asked nicely. "Would you mind healing this Vod on Hard?" is much more likely to get a yes out of me. And it doesn't take any longer to type than the "/r No thanks" that was previously mentioned.

    As it is now, I mostly just heal for my guild and avoid pugs at all, spending most of my time on my melee characters.
    Ittybitty {TR (40) Monk} / Seraphiela {20 FVS} / Kaissa {TR (40) Fighter} / Chantika {TR}
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaace!"

  2. #42
    Founder Mellifera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkzane View Post
    Must be different on Cannith. According to a bunch of the flac I got from my post about letting people die

    It's my job as a cleric to enable the "Top DPS" to play like the star of an action movie and run behind them spamming heal to keep them up because it's most efficient way to play.

    No healers friend warforged barbs are my personal favorite right now. Especially when they decide the best place to be is two or three encounters ahead of the rest of the party dragging agro along the way.

    Funny when you see groups waiting for a cleric, look back 30 min later and that group is STILL there. They should spend the time leveling up a divine caster instead
    No, your mistake from that example was repeatedly rezzing Squishy LePewPew. Anyone can screw up once or twice (for example having Heavy Fort and Haggle in the same slot...), but if you can't take constructive criticism, won't adapt your playstyle to fit with the rest of the group, act as if the healer's sole responsibility is to cover your sloppy play AND die repeatedly then you deserve a ride in the backpack.

    People like that are the ones crying the loudest about the cleric shortage. Reality is there are plenty of clerics: they all just got fed up and either run guild only or decided to solo.

    Shoot, my barb won't even join groups that are willing to sit around forever waiting for a healer.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackabat View Post
    The point of being a pure rogue isn't handling traps, it's murdering people.

  3. #43
    Community Member The_Deceiver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    If they need JUST a healer, they should just get a hireling and be done with it. It does require some time to get used to the controls, but once thats outta the way, a hireling healer is pretty much equal to a PUG healer.
    Answer to your riddle, but it seems to not be in the quote hrmm let me thing. A prick or a A-hole would be somone who does somthing once or so and thinks he knows everything about the game. Or some poeple would sat OH! that sounds like a Heavyarms.

  4. #44
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    I got another /tell last night from someone while I was in a party.

    I responded back that they could tell when someone was in a party, and could even sort on that option in the WHO page. He indicated that he didn't know that, and was glad I educated. Whether he was being facetious or not, I don't know. But I figured if I educated at least one person, it's a start.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  5. #45
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    those of you who wish to know the name of the guild that blacklisted my officer it was in my first post if you were paying attention and know a few of the cannith guild names

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