Ahh, but you disqualified yourself from my statement -- you aren't complaining about those who made a lot of plat, you are complaining about turbine for letting us do it. Different categories. And even if that weren't the case, I did say 'pretty much everyone', not just 'everyone' anyways.
In my mind, there is a very sharp line between complaining that someone accomplished something (in this case made lots of plat), and complaining that something was a poor decision/design (letting us make lots of plat). I'm fine with the later -- I actually agree, it was probably a bad call on turbine's fault and I'm glad they took steps to address it, though I don't think having items that you could sell to make SOME plat was wrong, just the level of plat you could make. But the former case, which many folks seem to be focusing on, I've issues with. Someone (well, many someones) did well and made a lot of plat. GOOD FOR THEM. Congrats! I know of no post or comment or announcement that was made by Turbine saying 'this is wrong, don't do it'. I don't feel it was obvious that this was a mistake on their part -- it was a very limited time birthday event -- having a way to give lots of plat to players during something like that makes absolutely perfect sense to me and isn't something I would have ever questioned if it weren't for the forum drama about it. So I don't think that they should be looked at as doing something wrong for their success.
But I, for example, fit the 'got millions of plat' mentioned in the op (just barely, but 2 mil is millions), or the "100k in 3 days should be banned" that were both mentioned, even though I AM the kind of player the op talks about positively in his edit to his initial post -- I DO do options, I smash crates for potions and pocket change and am always pleased when I see a thrower pop up. And so on and so forth.