Yeah I hear you, but how much of a riot do you expect Turbine to start? They corrected the issue that people can exploit, and now its a matter of time for the money to get filtered out using the current plat sinks. I am not going to stand here and tell you that it what happened doesnt suck for the economy, but it could be worse - they could just let it slide for a long time, and now the people who capped plat -AND- loaded their inventory with rods can cash the rods in for more plat.
Would we then expect Turbine to edit items bought with laundered money to be edited from peoples accounts? How about shroud weapons where people bought the ingredients off the AH while laundering their rod money? How far does the rabbit hole go? How big of a paper trail and sting operation do you want the devs to partake in?
Me? They already took the right action by eliminating the ability to exploit and sell any left over rods in peoples inventories they may have loaded up on. What would we rather have happen? Would you rather see the devs load up their schedules editing peoples accounts of all moneys, items, etc gained through exploitation, or would you rather they put a patch in place, and then concentrate on what the entire community wants - more content, bug fixes, epic reboot, etc?
I would rather see them focus on the entire game.