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  1. #1
    Community Member tkrenaud's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Dowsing rods oversight thoughts

    It appears that those who play the game a lot (and thus probably have most of the gear they need) got even more wealthy as a result of the Dowsing Rods epidemic. So why not reduce the plat of those who so obviously got millions of plat selling the rods? I wouldn't be averse to a complete wipeout of any plat acquired by selling dowsing rods. I realize this is not realistic but perhaps the mere thought of it as a possibility will discourage future conduct of this sort.

    Those who play less spent the time in the event getting stuff to make a piece of gear (or two). While those who had oodles of time used the time to take advantage of an obvious oversight. As a result now those who actually use the auction house to buy an item they need (that they don't have the time to spend farming said item) can't afford the item because those who took advantage of the oversight are now willing to spend more plat on item(s) (which incidentally they probably already have on numerous alts).

    Fixing the oversight by eliminating future selling is hardly going to remedy those who now suffer from the inflated prices caused by the oversight. I am sure you can come up with a more creative solution... you know who took advantage either even the playing field by taking away from them or conversely doing something for those who didn't/couldn't take advantage.

    I have been playing since the game went live and will continue but I am disappointed by your solution, generally you have been much better about fixing such mistakes...

    P.S. In the spirit of offering realistic solutions... how about rewarding those who didn't dump their gems etc into dowsing rods by creating a new Broker- the broker could give out some type of clickie or item to those who still have stuff leftover from the event. Supposedly the event is coming back, so that would only be feasible if the event did not come back or if it could be implemented before the event did return...

    Reading all the responses to my original post has got me thinking... I have always tried to keep an open mind - my philosophy on the majority of "life's dilemmas" has been I am x years old, if the best thinkers throughout history haven't found the answer, I would be arrogant to think in my short life I have. That being said, I can see everyone's point. I agree with some and disagree with some. One thing I apparently neglected to mention is that the "oversight" (selling of dowsing rods for massive amounts of plat in an extremely short amount of time) has NOT in any way impacted my playstyle or the game I play in general. I have been playing since the games release and though I do not have any plat capped characters (more because I never sell anything and would prefer to give to someone who needs it), I have logged enough hours to get any gear that I deem necessary for any of my 32 characters. I NEVER buy anything off the AH. I NEVER sell anything in the AH.

    So why this thread? I was struck by the fact that so many people were openly talking about this oversight. SO many people were talking in general chat about how plat is worthless, how they got rich during the event, or how the AH prices were higher (or even double). It got me thinking. Remember when you acquired your first frost or fire weapon? Some of us even remember when +5 full plate was an aspiration not merely vendor fodder. I have been rereading some of my older TSR novels and it struck me how in the books when a wizard cast a fireball it was looked upon with awe by all around. For those of us who played (or play) pen and paper we saw this firsthand from our DM and the various modules we ran. It seems that the game has moved very much away from that. Now granted it is an online game and they do need to make the game interesting to keep up the revenue... But somewhere along the line I stopped meeting people who enjoyed the spirit of ddo. The groups I run with both high and low are oftentimes intent on getting to the end of the quest or even running through the quest for the xp then either moving on to a quest with more xp or repeating the quest ad nauseum for the xp. Too many times I see people excluded from a group because he/she has a character that doesn't conform with an expected build-type. Recently someone posted that he/she would boot someone if they used a paralyzer in Shavarath instead of a Vorpal.

    Perhaps I am alone in my view. I see the casual player base and the hardcore players getting further and further apart. The event just seemed to exacerbate that. The gap between those who enjoy working for what they have and those who expect every character to have a certain set of skills or items is widening. How many people actually do the optional parts of quests? How many players actually break the crates hoping for a nice potion or returning thrower to drop? I understand we all play this game for different reasons, but so far ddo has resisted the plethora of gold farmers, account hackers, capped character sellers, etc. that plague other games. I hope the game can uphold the spirit of D&D as envisioned by Gygax et al.

    LAST POST: well human nature is to go in with a view and retract what you need to bolster your point and this thread has proven that once again... I had hoped people would step back and view the entire game and its future but instead people seem to only care about how it impacts them.
    Last edited by tkrenaud; 03-14-2011 at 05:14 PM.
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