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  1. #1
    Community Member Dissindra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default My DDO guild page features wrong leader

    on my guild page in My DDO, the guild roster is led by the wrong leader. In the "Guild Profile" window, there is the right leader written; only in the "Guild Roster" is shown another one, the wrong one ....
    I could edit nearly everthing else, but how can I tell that page, that another char is the leader (for around 5 months now, we had a change at that time)?

    like in my own player page, I may mark my primary character in a list of chars; can't I mark the leader of my guild in a similar way? or where does that guild roster gets the information from, that THIS specific char was the leader?
    Last edited by Dissindra; 03-14-2011 at 12:09 PM.
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    chars on Ghallanda: Plinh, Terkaan, Moonbee, Olywer, Dissindra, Nonom, Jeahnna

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Dissindra View Post
    on my guild page in My DDO, the guild roster is led by the wrong leader. In the "Guild Profile" window, there is the right leader written; only in the "Guild Roster" is shown another one, the wrong one ....
    I could edit nearly everthing else, but how can I tell that page, that another char is the leader (for around 5 months now, we had a change at that time)?

    like in my own player page, I may mark my primary character in a list of chars; can't I mark the leader of my guild in a similar way? or where does that guild roster gets the information from, that THIS specific char was the leader?
    Still not fixed.. According to my Guild Rooster site, we have two guild leaders... I've also noticed that when it updates the rooster, it appends the current members and updated statuses, but doesn't purge the players that have moved on to other guilds, been demoted, or expelled.. I hope to see Turbine fix this with the next patch, we shall see..

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