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Been getting way too many tells lately from players who really don't seem to understand the LFM system, or pugs in general. So let me clear some things up that some players just may not get often when looking at the LFM panel:
It is not your god given right to automatically join and instantly be accepted to every LFM on the Khyber server. If you are not accepted, either send a tell to request why, or forget about it and move on.
The system is there for convince of forming groups, not to make allow for complete random grouping without thought or consequence.
Especially annoying lately are people signing up who do not even meet the LFM requirements. Originally DDO did not even allow you to do this, I wish it never changed. But it has, and we have to work with it:
First off - understand why players set specifically classes in LFM - they reason is usually very very simple:
They are looking for that specific class(s) and not anything else.
- Trying to infer anything further is just silly - you can't read minds, you don't know for sure, so don't make assumptions.
No it's not because they "NEED" X class to win because they are a bad player. It's not because they think it would be cool too only have X class. And whatever the 100% deep down reason it might be, ultimately is really none of your business.
If you really feel despite the fact that you do not match the LFM requirements you would contribute to said group, why not be plosive and proactive instead of negative and useless?
Too many tells of this variety
"Oh you {expletive deleted} Axer! You are such a bad player and because you set your LFM to X class, I'm going to insult you, and be upset I can't join"
Instead of this variety:
"Hey Axer, I see your running XXX quest, I know your LFM doesn't have my class listed, but I am X class and feel I could contribute well on your quest if you'd like to invite me along"
Whenever I get tells of the first variety: I squelch the player.
Whenever I get tells of the second variety: I invite the player to group.
Think before you act. Understand that we pug group leaders are players just like yourself and we want to win the quests, and we want the quests to go smoothly.
We set LFM class requirements not because we "NEED" (very strong word that should not be used) X class, or we dislike X class. It's set because that's what were looking for. That's what we feel at the time, would allow for a good and smooth completion of the quest.
Could I just be a random leader, and always accept everyone all the time no matter what and hope for the best?
Sure. I could. But there are lots of other leaders that do that already, they fill that role quite nicely.
Will I instead qualify players, and set requirements to my groups to ensure I maintain a 99.9% success rate on all my raids and quests I lead?
Will I let you join my group despite not meeting the LFM requirements?
If your polite and ask me too, I probably will.
If your rude and insult me, certainly not. I will also squelch you.