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Thread: Buff Bar

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Buff Bar

    Hey Devs,
    Can we ahve the Buff bar along the top of the screen sorted by Time left not order cast. So the buff with the least time left is in the far right corner so it is easily visible what buff is fading. Nobody needs to regularly know when their 6hr Xp pot or 1Hr ship buff is going. More important is rages, stoneskins, haste and short duration buffs. Or expand and layer the buff bar so we can see it all.

  2. #2
    Community Member NexEverto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Rosegoddess View Post
    Hey Devs,
    Can we ahve the Buff bar along the top of the screen sorted by Time left not order cast. So the buff with the least time left is in the far right corner so it is easily visible what buff is fading. Nobody needs to regularly know when their 6hr Xp pot or 1Hr ship buff is going. More important is rages, stoneskins, haste and short duration buffs. Or expand and layer the buff bar so we can see it all.
    That's a nice idea, sorting them by time left would be a seemly simple solution to everyone's biggest question, am I hasted? Another idea, maybe Guild Buffs could be grouped together? Its not like they've got different durations, and chances are you're all going to have the same timer since you'd get them all at the same time. Maybe a 'mouse over' drop down to say which you've got would be a nice tie in too.

    Anyway, defiantly love to see the OPs idea implemented.
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