View Poll Results: Which of these tricky villains is your favorite?

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  • Crateos (Phiarlan Carnival)

    325 26.00%
  • Succubus Malicia (Phiarlan Carnival)

    925 74.00%
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Results 41 to 47 of 47
  1. #41
    Community Member
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    This is a cruel match-up that should have been saved for later, rather then have them both pitted against one another so soon. First time going through the carnival pack, I found the whole Snitch adventure to be an amusing laugh-fest as this little halfling went around, summoning who-knows-what's-next on us, and silently praying his wand was one of the end rewards we could get. When my party and I first came along to the rooftop and we had to gather, we knew something was going down. Something big - you could see the chest right there.

    Little did we realize that we had to fight our object of desire. It was an awesome battle, seeing this pile of inanimate objects suddenly come to life in a Voltron-esk style and proceeded to smack people around. it was a more difficult fight for me, merely because I was laughing so much in delight and amusement.

    Going through the last mission wasn't as thrilling to me. It was entertaining, with the wheels of il-fortune and the rigged strong-man game. I rather thought it amusing my little halfling got the high score on onewhen our strength-focused half-orc failed, and we confirmed it was a random result. Watching all of the tieflings ditching their disguises to confront you was amusing, and seeing the hellhounds on the burning spheres was very much so. And when you broke open the crates with swords in them, and you saw zombies called "Magician's Assistant?" Priceless. But even with all that, there was something lovably unique about the Snitch mission that Under the Big Top failed to duplicate.

    At the end, there was the Succubus with a Top Hat. A very amusing flair, to be certain, and eyecandy for everyone who appreciates such. Pixel arrangement and sexual innuendos aside, Malicia did have a nice plot going on, and I rather enjoy all the manipulation and plots she set out. I took great delight in slaughtering the Phiarlan representatives that had used us just moments ago, and fighting her was entertaining.

    I am conflicted, because the construct was more unique in every way, but the succubus was an awesome fight and the person ultimately in charge of that arc. Also, while I have not experienced it first-hand, I have read she is in other adventures, so it is more awesome that she's a reoccuring NPC. Ultimately, I must go with the dark horse on this one.

    Now, if we can only get a construct to avenge all those crypts people keep breaking...

  2. #42


    "She's beautiful, she's rich, she's got huge... tracts of land."
    (Formally known as Luadrilae)

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  3. #43
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    Gotta vote for the chest that's guarenteed never to disappoint. =)

  4. #44
    Community Member PinkDragonJr's Avatar
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    Hard choice. They both have good booty... Sorry my pirates coming out....YHAAAARrrrrg!

    Kobald want to run...but..cookies!...

  5. #45
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    Sad to see this pairing so early in the competition. I'd actually vote for either of these two over all of the rest. Malicia having the best chance to go all the way (IMHO) gets my vote.

  6. #46
    Community Member EatSmart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morticianjohn View Post
    Malicia having the best chance to go all the way (IMHO) gets my vote.
    I think she'll be second place in the finals. She's a succubus, after all, their art is making you think they'll go all the way then pulling a surprise at the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    We like the fact it’s a choice as suppose to, “hell we just kill yonder dragon cause we’re OP”.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I say we take off and nerf the whole game from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  7. #47
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I voted for the crate. Yes, he breaks my weapons, but he's a flipping crate! That comes to life!
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