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    Community Member LordVaine's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Update 9 Suggestions UI and Wizard Class

    Turbine has the game called Lord of the Rings online. They have an IN GAME Clock.

    I would like to see an in game clock in DDO, to keep track of where the time goes LOL.

    The buff bar could be fixed, so You know what your buffs are in the Abbot Raid, whether or not you have DI for ice, or any raid, like TOD.

    Speaking of raids and Abbot, HUGE lag issue in there = Epic failure in goggles. Thats the one Raid where Lag makes it fail. (Not my system, I have everything maxed out on my gpu Ati Radeon HD 5850, with 2 GDDR5 buit in memory, Roadrunner Turbo, 8 gigs of 1600MZ Ram. 2.4 Quad 2 Extreme quad core processor (liquid cooled). The lag in the raid is Server lag, just like the shroud.

    SPeaking of lag and shroud. I ran on my cleric in a solo heal shroud run. AND MY **** HEALS WERE LAGGING! The healthbars showed they were in full health, and 5 seconds later the party was wiped. Luckily I saved the group. However, I also noticed when I cast Mass heal, sometimes it doesnt show up until 5 seconds later, and I cast more healing spells thinking it was a miscast. Waste of Sp. This goes for TOD and all raids.

    Gianthold TOR!

    Giants give out String Error messages above their head.


    I'd like to see a spell called Mass Reconstruct. My Pale Master Wizard (20) Goes in a lot of raids with Wf's. If the clerics get Mass Heal (Which I also have a level 20 cleric) Wizards should get a better spell than Repair critical damage Mass.

    Fix the issue with spellsong Vigor and trance immunities with Pale master (Lich form)

    Get rid of the Sleep/deep slumber, waste of spell, does nothing. Maybe give us another level 4 spell slot. SO many good things in that level. My spells are Neg NRG burst, fire shield (Swapping out for Stoneskin) DDoor, Firewall, Death Aura. Level 4 does the most damage for my character, being our spells are not as strong as Archmagi, or elemental mages, we should get one more spot for that category. (Scrolls cost too much) Most of the level 4's are to keep us alive in certain raids, like TOD, for when we Kite the shadows.

    Hold Monster Mass/Discoball/Ottos Irresistible dance/ Hypnotism (All Spells like that):

    PLEASE fix the issue where you cast it any of those spells, and they are affected by it, they jump around the room, like glide while held. Its quite annoying for the DPS out there when that happens, and by the time they get to the target, the effect wears off in higher level quests.(Especially in Amwrath)

    Spell casting (Goes for all casters/clerics and all spells):
    Sometimes when you buff, or cast a healing spell or reconstruct, the target is in range, but by the time the cast is over, they are behind the pillar, and blocked, so there goes a good chunk of your SP. Not my fault they move in midcast. At least make it so the sp does not get wasted.

    I do appreciate those who read this and comment. It just gets frustrating sometimes when your spells dont work or you failed 6 raids in a row due to lag..and that happened Sat night. from 12 AM-6 AM EST.

    Thanks for readin'!
    Last edited by LordVaine; 03-13-2011 at 10:04 PM.

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