Well ive been surfing the forum for a few minutes and didnt see anything on this so i thought i would ask, i was messing around with a class and for starters made a 2bard/2rogue i started with the rogue to get the points in all the lockpicking search and disable and got everything to over 10 which is only 4 under my full rogue of the same level also its a 32 point build so i was able to put points in the trait needed for the bard and came out with 40 hp i think and around 150 sp. anyway i was thinking about making a class solely for the support of a group, to pick locks and buff/minor heal when needed also i got the use magical device up so i would be focasing mainly on thrown weapons and wands
so basicially what im asking is, is this a giant no no?
also i would like to say that im going to get the next two levels in rogue so i can get the trap parts and eventually end up with like a 12 rogue/8 bard i didnt think that going 10/10 would be good that you would really have to chose one side to take the greater levels so if the opisite would be better idk. . . so im open to all suggestions