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  1. #1
    Sketchy Adventurer Monroid's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default WF Mechanic/Archmage?

    I was wondering on how good could this build be, and since the release of Artificers may seem far, it is unevitable

    So how would you value a Mech I/Archmage II or Mech II/Archmage I? Would it be viable? Would it be self sufficient and good with traps and crowd controll-killing? Are more than 2 levels of rogue a waste on a rog/wiz build?

    I know that this new crafting system might be cool, and I've got 2 heavy repeaters with banishing and smiting, pretty great prefixes on a weapon on my current mechanic that I'm willing to TR soon, so, what should I do?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Monroid View Post
    So how would you value a Mech I/Archmage II or Mech II/Archmage I? Would it be viable? Would it be self sufficient and good with traps and crowd controll-killing? Are more than 2 levels of rogue a waste on a rog/wiz build?...
    Mech 1/Archmage II?

    Skills yes. No problem with this.

    Crowd control no. CC spells have DC and DC is directly (spell pen) or indirectly (heighten+spell level) based on caster level.

    Archmage Evocation with SLA Magic Missile, Arcane bolt/blast and Chain Missile yes.

    If you have magic pew pew (SLAs plus regular nuke spells), why bother with repeater? I'd go with melee + magic nuke + usual rogue skills.

    Maybe with some other class that doesn't have 'nuke' I'd go with repeater, but Wizards have it with Archmage/Evocation SLA and it's very good.

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