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  1. #1
    Community Member Th3ThirdFall3n's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Lightbulb My First Thought at Multi-Classing

    Ok I was thinking, i've never multi-classed, but i wanna try it out, you gotta start somewhere right? For my first build, i was thinking, i'd love to have a {{Dex Build}} Warforged(<<<preferably, but any advantageous race would be fine considering the build) Fighter/Monk with dual Dwarven War Axes. IM A NOOB, so i dont even KNOW if its possible, what with the weapon finesse only working for light weapons(as far as im aware of) and the dwarven axes not being ki weapons(that i know of). Can someone PLEASE help me out for my first multi-class? Please and thank you to all who contribute to this glorious occasion in my DDO career
    Last edited by Th3ThirdFall3n; 03-12-2011 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Whoah . . . . that's one of the worst combinations I can imagine. On the plus side, you already seem to understand some of the reasons for it. Dwarven axes aren't finessable, so your dex build would have a low to-hit to go along with its low damage. They're not ki weapons, so you can't use monk abilities or benefit from their attack bonus (flurry of blows). Finesse builds are generally weak, unless they're rogues (for sneak attack damage) -- and even then, there's a strong argument to be made that they're still weak. Pretty much the only reason to consider a dex build with monk levels is for AC, but warforged being unable to wear anything but docents causes problems there, too. Not to mention that warforged will have to burn a feat to get proficiency with dwarven axes, and at that point you may as well go with the (considerably superior) khopeshes.

    I would recommend not building your own multiclasses before reading through a few builds in the forums. You're better off starting with a solid base from someone else's build, and maybe making a few alterations if it has problems. With some exceptions, if you can't find a particular type of build, it's because it would be very bad. Warforged dex-based fighter/monk using dwarven axes falls into that category.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  3. #3
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Unless I misunderstand you question, I believe the approach should be "I wanna build something, do I have to multiclass?" Instead of "I wanna multiclass, what should I build?".

    So, OP, what do you wanna build? we can try to navigate you to the right place and info.

    If its all about to experience the multiclass feature, then you can try roll a dummy toon (which u know u'll reroll soon or later) or try one of tihocan's builds: (I believe the warchanter bard is the most classes heavy).

    Good luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
    Finesse builds are generally weak, unless they're rogues (for sneak attack damage) -- and even then, there's a strong argument to be made that they're still weak.
    They ARE "weak" compared to str-rogues, but thats an off-topic different subject.

    I know by saying this I'll get some unwelcome aggro, so let me diplo it a little:
    Disclaimer: By saying "weak" I mean pure less DPS - no matter if its 100 or 1, 10% or 0.00001% DPS - and I do aware DEX rogues might get other benefits like higher reflex saves, open lock, etc.
    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 03-13-2011 at 03:54 AM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Default A WF with dwarven axes?

    No. Why waste an exotic on choosing a dwarven axe? Khopesh please.

    Multi class with a dwarf so you auto get the dwarven axe or multi class the WF, but don't choose dwarven axe.

    If you MUST choose an exotic weapon, make it the Khopesh.

    Since a warforged you basically have to spread your characteristics around, this is a good race to use for multi classing.

    I just don't understand why you do not choose a
    WF Wizard/rogue you can repair yourself and just about solo the entire game.

    WF wizard/barbarian/rogue as above but when you run out of SP or if you manage your SP you can fight A LOT.

    WF sorceror/barbarian I have one of these but I mostly use spells. I regret taking the one level of barbarian so I could fight my way out of a pickle. I just blast my way out of a pickle.

    In my opinion, all warforged that multi class HAVE to have one level of wizard or sorceror so they can repair themselves.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Ninety0ne's Avatar
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    Default goals

    ask yourself what is my goal in multiclassing; the general goal is to take two or more things that have strong synergies together. Peanut butter and chocolate is good peanut butter and mayonaise is not. That being said look character builds portion of the forums for some really good builds. A few that I recommend for a newer player:

    18 wiz/2 rogue warforged strong solo play and great solo ability.
    Big rock candy an 18/2 warforged fighter/rogue
    Solar Phoenix, a human paladin monk healing amp build
    monster type builds:
    12 fighter/6 pally/2 monk
    12 fighter/6 ranger/2 rogue
    blitz 12 ftr/6 barb/2 rogue
    Clonk 17 cl/3 monk

    look these up and get a feel for how the feats and abilities work together and you will be well on your way to understanding the whole multiclass thing.
    Also be aware that making a multiclass that people consider "bad" might have some grouping problems later on in the game. As such if pugging is a big part of your play time you might want to avoid some of the less typical (generally weaker or heavily gear dependant) builds. As a final bit of advice no matter what you do CON is not an optional stat, nor is fortification or GFL. Alwas build with a target of 450+ hp, less than that can result in alot of not fun death.
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  6. #6
    Founder Dex's Avatar
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    If you are going with a dex build (hah!), you'd want to stay with finessible and/or ranged weps. So no d-axe, just doesn't work.
    You could maybe do a monk/ranger? Not a recommendation, just a suggestion.

    If you want to do dual d-axes, I would suggest a dwarf fighter, strength build. 12 levels of fighter with kensai II on your d-axes, then 8 levels of either barb or pally, depending on your taste for pure dps or saves+buffs+healing.

    Neither of those are mainstream multi-class builds, just trying to fit your thinking. Hey, you might just prove us all wrong!

    By the way, don't buy into the whole Khopesh thing, if you do the math, they aren't so sexy. But I am glad they are, keeps my favorite weps cheap!

    Good luck! B)
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