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  1. #1
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    Default A good character


    I just thought I'd talk about my best character I made: Staticshock. He's a drow paladin with a strong solo ability.

    17 str (needed points for other stats; would be 20 otherwise)
    10 dex (dump stat)
    12-13 con (being drow does this)
    15 wis (helps with spellcasting)
    10 int (dump stat)
    18 cha (important for lay on hands ability and other stuff)
    He's lvl 6 right now. He uses a +2 flaming icy burst greataxe and does constant crit hits. His smite evil, on crits, makes him do 140+ dmg on hit. He can heal himself whenever needed and has a balance of stats to keep him strong. He has many form of DR like 3/Slash, Bludgeon, 3/-, and something else. He has drow benefits like sleep immunity, spell resist, and keen senses, plus paladin benefits like remove disease, disease immunity, boosted saves, and fear immunity. Pretty much the only drawback is his low con, but I'm gonna fix that. Because of his strong solo ability and super high heal skill, he's a valuable comrade to have in a group. Send him an invite sometime.

    Good hunting

  2. #2
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    I'd keep the DR/- if you really need the DR, but that should be the only one you need. The other DR's aren't going to stop anymore damage, sine DR goes by the highest number. And since you have one that can't be bypassed by anything, trade the other DR's for some different gear.
    Experienced and TR/VETS only LFM's irritate me. They were new at some point as well and just because they have a little more experience than new players, they are too good for them.

  3. #3
    Community Member AndyD47's Avatar
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    Default Couple of side notes

    First,I'm happy you enjoy your drow paladin.
    I made one myself,and while not my cup of tea I can see the appeal.

    That said I'd like to point out that for paladins (and rangers I guess) wisdom isn't exactly the best place to put stat points into.
    You can cast all of your spells just fine with a +6 item starting with an 8 wisdom not to mention being able to cast resists off of owl's wisdom potions and such.

    That would have freed up some points for a higher con which believe me is handy for a front line melee.

    As far as damage reduction,try to find armor with invulnerability on it:makes leveling to 10 or so alot easier,check it out here
    You can find ml:6 armor (or ml:4 robes) with that suffix if you get a bit lucky at the AH.

    Taking Heal as a skill doesn't do you any good considering you could put points into balance/jump or maybe UMD, especially considering the high charisma you have.

    Just some observations,nothing too rough as long as you are having fun.
    Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
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  4. #4
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    The heal skill actually helps me with rest shrines and gettin people up when I'm out of sp. Jump, balance, and UMD aren't important right now.

    And Karell, you're right about the dr. I will change it if possible.

    I guess I could've invested a little more into constitution but having good wis has its perks. And I will do my best to fix the con anyway.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Enjoy your paladin. You are playing the game the way it was originally intended to be played (aside from solo ability ). There will be helpful comments and there will be some comments aimed at the math of "making the best character". Just keep going, your logic is fine and will end up with a good character.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
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  6. #6
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CircleK View Post
    The heal skill actually helps me with rest shrines and gettin people up when I'm out of sp. Jump, balance, and UMD aren't important right now.

    And Karell, you're right about the dr. I will change it if possible.

    I guess I could've invested a little more into constitution but having good wis has its perks. And I will do my best to fix the con anyway.
    jump is never important (see the spell: jump), balance is sort of important (getting knockdown is pretty bad in some quests with wolves/ lions), UMD is very important if you can get a high enough skill level (20).

    do NOT put points into heal as a palidan. mostly because you can simply buy a wand and use that to get ppl at -10 up, and health at shrines is a non-issue
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    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
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  7. #7
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyD47 View Post
    That said I'd like to point out that for paladins (and rangers I guess) wisdom isn't exactly the best place to put stat points into.
    On my rogue (with levels of ranger), the counter for deaths caused by an inability to spot DDO's ridiculous traps (elite/epic) would need to have several more digits than the counter for deaths caused by simple hit point loss.

    On my caster, the counter for deaths caused by an inability to spot incoming mobs would need to have several more digits than the counter for deaths caused by simple hit point loss.

    On my ranger who has ample spotting ability, reducing his wisdom by 6 would decrease his spell point pool by 20%. Since I actually am able to use my ranger's spell point pool for better-than-trivial buffs like freedom, resistance, protection, barkskin (on actual melee), and healing, a 20% reduction in spell points is far from acceptable. Add to that the fact that there are several will-based effects in the game that are quite annoying and/or dangerous and you have a perfectly valid reason to spend points on wisdom as a ranger or paladin.

    Wisdom is only a dump stat for players who don't know any better.
    Last edited by Raithe; 04-10-2011 at 11:28 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    Talk to me more about your soling ability once you are doing Gianthold quests.
    Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.

  9. #9
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    On my rogue (with levels of ranger), the counter for deaths caused by an inability to spot DDO's ridiculous traps (elite/epic) would need to have several more digits than the counter for deaths caused by simple hit point loss.

    On my caster, the counter for deaths caused by an inability to spot incoming mobs would need to have several more digits than the counter for deaths caused by simple hit point loss.

    On my ranger who has ample spotting ability, reducing his wisdom by 6 would decrease his spell point pool by 20%. Since I actually am able to use my ranger's spell point pool for better-than-trivial buffs like freedom, resistance, protection, barkskin (on actual melee), and healing, a 20% reduction in spell points is far from acceptable. Add to that the fact that there are several will-based effects in the game that are quite annoying and/or dangerous and you have a perfectly valid reason to spend points on wisdom as a ranger or paladin.

    Wisdom is only a dump stat for players who don't know any better.
    These are not good reasons to invest in wisdom...sorry but they are just not.

    A couple of levels of Rogue will get your spot high enough to see any trap that is remotely level appropriate even with Wis dumped....if you are having trouble in this regard I suggest you invest in a +Spot item that it suitable for your level.

    A few points of WIS on a caster is not going to make you spot mobs that you otherwise wouldn't so I am not sure what you are even talking about here.

    The only buff that you mentioned that is not available as a pot, wand or scroll is Freedom. And with dumped WIS you will have plenty of sp to cast a few resists, rams, and fom plus maybe the odd non-wanded heal.

    The will save thing can be mitigated with SR or even something like Force of Personality if you feel you need it...or just ignored in most content. Taking down the casters quick helps too.

    Much better to put those points into STR or CON.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Spoonman457's Avatar
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    Cool some points, all are my opinions

    8 wisdom plus an easy to get +6 wisdom item will allow a paladin(or ranger) to cast all spells, the only reason to get wisdom on a pally or ranger, every 2 wisdom only give you 29 sp more at level 20, and there are no paladin spells that have a dc requiring wisdom, so no need to waste build points there, and a higher constitution is much better as every 2 points of constitution gives you hp = to your level, and hp is much more valuable than sp, as it is the only easy way to prevent being one shotted after about level 12, where any ac below 40 is the same as 0 ac. If sp is a problem remember you are not a cleric or FvS, you are a Paladin, and as such are a DPSer or a tank, never a healer if in an emergency you must heal a party member, that's what LoH is for.

    All that being said the most important part, is that you enjoy playing your character, and as that seems to be the case, than this is a good build for you.

    Note odd numbers in stats do nothing for your character, as ability score is = stat - 10 divided by 2, ie a 14 con has an ability score of 2, while a 13 con has an ability score of 1, as does a con of 12, some odd numbers can be improved with enhancements/tomes/level ups, and neither a paladin, or a drow get enhancements to con, and on a paladin all level ups should go into strength, or be split between strength and charisma, so you should look for ways to even them up, or have a plan to even them up.(ie a plan may be having a banked +1 or +3 con tome, or a plan to fit an enhancement into your build)

    Another thing I noticed you did not say, was weather you were building/gearing towards the KotC, DoS or HotD PrE, I think the best PrE for thf, DPS paladins is KotC, as it increases your dps against evil outsiders, and they make up 60%+ of the game after level 12, and unless the devs fixed it KotC also got its damage boost to undead creatures as well.

    And even though you use a great axe, after level 14 you get the Holy Sword spell that lets you create a weapon that can bypass most boss DR, gives you immunity to compulsions and can do just about as much damage as a GS weapon of the same type. (you can use the spell to create Great Swords, Mauls, Long Swords, Dwarven Axes, Scimitars, Heavy maces and heavy picks (I may have missed something) but not Great Axes) Also you will see a lot more crits with a Falchion then with a great axe, and increase your dps, but falchions are expensive on the AH so I'd stay with what you've got for now and make holy weapons later. You can buy the components needed from the scroll shop in house J.

    Also don't forget fortification, you will want the highest fort you can get for your level, and heavy fort is available free at lvl 9, there's a guide on how to get it, some where on the forums.

    Good Luck, and keep having fun
    Last edited by Spoonman457; 04-10-2011 at 12:07 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    These are not good reasons to invest in wisdom...sorry but they are just not.
    Sorry, but they are. They just are.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    A couple of levels of Rogue will get your spot high enough to see any trap that is remotely level appropriate even with Wis dumped....if you are having trouble in this regard I suggest you invest in a +Spot item that it suitable for your level.
    A spot item that takes up a slot? You have any idea how gimpifying that is? Granted particular epic items like the Treasure Hunter's Spyglass can make spot a non-issue for anyone with the ability to use the other aspects of the item and have maxed out ranks...but even then you have to consider the cost of maxing the ranks in the first place. Rogues in particular have a lot more they could be doing with their skill points.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    A few points of WIS on a caster is not going to make you spot mobs that you otherwise wouldn't so I am not sure what you are even talking about here.
    My caster can spot most stealthed mobs in the game. Elves get a bonus to spot and listen checks, and she actually has some ranks put into spot. The difference between spotting mobs and not is often the difference between wearing a wisdom item (she uses a tiara) and using something else. Since she has no feats to spare as a sorc, force of personality is not an option and as a caster her will save is quite decent (especially because she has a level of bard and has elven enchantment resistance).

    Like I said, her deaths due to lack of spot (wisdom) far exceed her deaths due to simply not having enough hit points to cover incoming damage. She can refill her hit point container with the flick of a heal scroll (and has the concentration, stoneskin, displacement, haste, and jump to make it work just about every time).

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    The only buff that you mentioned that is not available as a pot, wand or scroll is Freedom. And with dumped WIS you will have plenty of sp to cast a few resists, rams, and fom plus maybe the odd non-wanded heal.
    Uh-huh. You realize that your healing speed doubles with wand-cast-wand or cast-wand-cast, right? You also realize that there are no ram's might pots, resist 30 pots, or protect 120 pots, right? And you also realize that if you die, all those buffs disappear and you have to recast them, right? Just checking to make sure you've played a ranger or paladin...

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    The will save thing can be mitigated with SR or even something like Force of Personality if you feel you need it...or just ignored in most content.
    Things rangers are good for: killing casters (the process often generates caster aggro), killing beholders (there's a good chance you just got debuffed), and the occasional kiting of mini-bosses in the Shroud (one of which has a mean greater command). As for force of personality on a ranger... what? That is likely to do your will save absolutely no good at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Much better to put those points into STR or CON.
    Uh-huh . Like I said, wisdom is a dump stat only for those who don't know any better.
    Last edited by Raithe; 04-10-2011 at 12:34 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    A spot item that takes up a slot? You have any idea how gimpifying that is? Granted particular epic items like the Treasure Hunter's Spyglass can make spot a non-issue for anyone with the ability to use the other aspects of the item and have maxed out ranks...but even then you have to consider the cost of maxing the ranks in the first place. Rogues in particular have a lot more they could be doing with their skill points.
    If you're playing a rogue, having difficulty spotting traps, and decide that raising your wisdom is a better idea than equipping a spot item, you're doing it wrong. Also, if you're low on skill points as a rogue, you're doing it even more wrong.

    Wisdom is pretty much the first stat to dump, always, unless you're playing a cleric or an evoker-build favored soul.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  13. #13
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Sorry, but they are. They just are.
    While I admire your are just wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    A spot item that takes up a slot? You have any idea how gimpifying that is? Granted particular epic items like the Treasure Hunter's Spyglass can make spot a non-issue for anyone with the ability to use the other aspects of the item and have maxed out ranks...but even then you have to consider the cost of maxing the ranks in the first place. Rogues in particular have a lot more they could be doing with their skill points.
    Tips for noobs 1: You can swap items at don't need to put an item into a slot and leave it there.
    Tips for noobs 2: Rogue have more skill points than they know what to do with...plenty for spot if you want it.
    Tips for noobs 3: After you get a bit more game experience you realise you start to know where all the traps are and you don't even need spot at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Like I said, her deaths due to lack of spot (wisdom) far exceed her deaths due to simply not having enough hit points to cover incoming damage.
    This is utter nonsense.... if you really are dying becuase of a lack of spot skill then I am not sure there is much help for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Uh-huh. You realize that your healing speed doubles with wand-cast-wand or cast-wand-cast, right? You also realize that there are no ram's might pots, resist 30 pots, or protect 120 pots, right? And you also realize that if you die, all those buffs disappear and you have to recast them, right? Just checking to make sure you've played a ranger or paladin...
    Tips for noobs 4: You can get resist 30 pots.
    Tips for noobs 5: If you had invested in more CON you wouldn't die so often and rebuffing wouldn't be such a problem

    And I did say that you would cast a lot of those yourself when required and still have plenty of sp...maybe if you weren't barking all the 12AC barbs and camoing everyone you wouldn't have sp problems. The FACT is that Rangers and Paladins have plenty of sp if you know what you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Things rangers are good for: killing casters (the process often generates caster aggro), killing beholders (there's a good chance you just got debuffed), and the occasional kiting of mini-bosses in the Shroud (one of which has a mean greater command). As for force of personality on a ranger... what? That is likely to do your will save absolutely no good at all.
    Tips for noobs 6: Rangers get the TWF feats for free...just because you have a bow in your class icon does not mean that is all you can do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Uh-huh . Like I said, wisdom is a dump stat only for those who don't know any better.
    No....Wisdom is a dump stat...and if you still don't get that after everything I have written then that tells us everything we need to know.

    Play how you like but don't come in here touting your gimp toons to all the new players it does us all no good in the long run.
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  14. #14
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    If you're playing a rogue, having difficulty spotting traps, and decide that raising your wisdom is a better idea than equipping a spot item, you're doing it wrong. Also, if you're low on skill points as a rogue, you're doing it even more wrong.

    Wisdom is pretty much the first stat to dump, always, unless you're playing a cleric or an evoker-build favored soul.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    If you're playing a rogue, having difficulty spotting traps, and decide that raising your wisdom is a better idea than equipping a spot item, you're doing it wrong. Also, if you're low on skill points as a rogue, you're doing it even more wrong.
    Interesting reply, because its dead wrong. An equipment slot in DDO is more powerful than six points of stat development. Some very mundane items actually provide six points of stat development... plus something else.

    As for equiping a spot item, that presupposes that you know the trap is coming opposed to something else that the spot item is gimping you for. Many of us don't die on content we've already conquered.

    As for skill points on a rogue, you can't max them all... balance, bluff (probably even more useful in U9), diplomacy, disable, haggle, hide, jump, move silently, search, spot, open locks, and UMD. That's 12 skills. Not including intimidate, listen, tumble, or concentration (cross-class).

    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    Wisdom is pretty much the first stat to dump, always, unless you're playing a cleric or an evoker-build favored soul.
    I'm aware that many of the forumites simply don't know much about how the game works. I am aware of this widespread belief. I'm merely making a bid here at attempting to make a few people understand that it is an extremely faulty position. But keep it if you want. I'll be collecting your soul stone when hold person increases damage taken by 25% despite your fortification.
    Last edited by Raithe; 04-10-2011 at 04:01 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Gobbothegreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    I'll be collecting your soul stone when hold person increases damage taken by 25% despite your fortification.
    Which makes it even less dangerous in the only content where you will really get hit by it (Harbor)....

    Dawia Motenuse, Causa Mortis, Kudly Raindeer
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  17. #17
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    I don't know what's sadder, that the person with the 2006 join date has such a skewed view of the game, or that the people with the 2009-2010 join dates actually know more about the game than the 2006 person does.

    Just goes to show you that join date doesn't mean a thing.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  18. #18
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gobbothegreen View Post
    Which makes it even less dangerous in the only content where you will really get hit by it (Harbor)....
    Exactly...they just nerfed the only thing that Kobold Shamans had going for them.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 1: You can swap items at don't need to put an item into a slot and leave it there.
    Tips for noobs 7: Swapping items is often gimpville in itself. Yes, you can swap a spot item in if you already know that the trap is there. Ummm... how is that useful? You already know the trap is there - search for it. Spot is not a good option for swappable items. Disable, search, and open locks work decently, but many of the pros have those covered without needing to swap (which adds TIME to an otherwise easy run).

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 2: Rogue have more skill points than they know what to do with...plenty for spot if you want it.
    Tip for noobs 8: Rogues are actually quite diverse in what they can accomplish and can spend skill points in a variety of skills and obtain noteworthy results. It does take some experience to master the basics, however.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 3: After you get a bit more game experience you realise you start to know where all the traps are and you don't even need spot at all.
    Tip for noobs 9: Some traps are random. They may be there, they may not. There is a skill that allows you to say whether they are without spending 5-6 seconds in search animation. Pros often use this nifty feature to speed their progress through a quest.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    This is utter nonsense.... if you really are dying becuase of a lack of spot skill then I am not sure there is much help for you.
    You mean when I'm soloing elite content on my caster for the 83rd time without dying? The point was that my caster doesn't die except when something unexpected happens. That can make spot more important than hit points.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 4: You can get resist 30 pots.
    Yeah, good luck with that. I shoulda been more specific, but I thought I was engaged in an intelligent conversation.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 5: If you had invested in more CON you wouldn't die so often and rebuffing wouldn't be such a problem
    No worries, mate. I don't die often. I still take precautions for the rare chance that I fail a will save (you know those things that benefit from wisdom) and wind up thrown by telekinesis into lava or something. Of course that would mean saving spell points for when they are actually useful, something a new player may not have grown accustomed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    And I did say that you would cast a lot of those yourself when required and still have plenty of sp...maybe if you weren't barking all the 12AC barbs and camoing everyone you wouldn't have sp problems. The FACT is that Rangers and Paladins have plenty of sp if you know what you are doing.
    Tip for noobs 10: You can actually cast spells at any point throughout a quest. It doesn't have to just be at the front door. When your protection is removed by rolling a 1 in Stealer of Souls, for example, you can cast protect on yourself again. Heck, it's even possible to self-heal yourself all the way through a quest without a healer even present. Takes some experience, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Tips for noobs 6: Rangers get the TWF feats for free...just because you have a bow in your class icon does not mean that is all you can do.
    Tip for noobs 11: Rangers get the bow feats for free... just because you have two weapons in your hands (just like the kensei and rogue in the party) does not mean that you can't do something else that is specifically a feature of your class alone. But you go ahead and run up to that beholder or caster as it disintegrates the drow wizard. You'll be there just in time to see its nifty death animation from manyshot.

    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    No....Wisdom is a dump stat...and if you still don't get that after everything I have written then that tells us everything we need to know.
    I'd be more apologetic about my views if anything you had said wasn't misinformed or flat out wrong.
    Last edited by Raithe; 04-10-2011 at 01:38 PM.

  20. #20
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirea View Post
    I don't know what's sadder, that the person with the 2006 join date has such a skewed view of the game, or that the people with the 2009-2010 join dates actually know more about the game than the 2006 person does.

    Just goes to show you that join date doesn't mean a thing.
    Codemasters FTL.

    And he might just be trolling...who knows.
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