I just thought I'd talk about my best character I made: Staticshock. He's a drow paladin with a strong solo ability.
17 str (needed points for other stats; would be 20 otherwise)
10 dex (dump stat)
12-13 con (being drow does this)
15 wis (helps with spellcasting)
10 int (dump stat)
18 cha (important for lay on hands ability and other stuff)
He's lvl 6 right now. He uses a +2 flaming icy burst greataxe and does constant crit hits. His smite evil, on crits, makes him do 140+ dmg on hit. He can heal himself whenever needed and has a balance of stats to keep him strong. He has many form of DR like 3/Slash, Bludgeon, 3/-, and something else. He has drow benefits like sleep immunity, spell resist, and keen senses, plus paladin benefits like remove disease, disease immunity, boosted saves, and fear immunity. Pretty much the only drawback is his low con, but I'm gonna fix that. Because of his strong solo ability and super high heal skill, he's a valuable comrade to have in a group. Send him an invite sometime.
Good hunting