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  1. #1
    Community Member darkmauler3's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Pars Solice

    Pars Solice is a new start-up guild on the Khyber server.

    We are now accepting applications!

    Story behind the guild:

    The leader of the guild (Oxzide) is a former foot soldier of the once great nation of Cyre. Oxzide gave witness to the horrors that took his nation; he stood paralyzed as all life was snuffed out around him. During these last moments he had visions of the great Wyrm Siberys, in an epic battle with Khyber over the fate of his nation. He knew the visions were not real, but he did come to the realization that all life is in constant conflict with itself, and the forces that wish it gone. As soon as this epic battle had begun, it ended as both great Wyrms drifted into the consuming flames of the sun. It was at this moment that Oxzide realized that all life must also be engaged in an epic battle with the forces of darkness. The vision of the two great dragons drifting into the sun gave birth to his belief, that the children of Cyre are now “part of the sun” along with Siberys and Khyber.

    The visions of these consuming flames are now what fuel his desire to aid Siberys in ridding the world of the forces that seek to destroy it. Oxzide is on a never ending quest to bring those who share his passion together to mount a long tireless battle against evil. What better place to start his campaign than Xen'drik, where evil and corruption are at their strongest. He seeks those he feels are consumed with the same passion; those who wish to someday be “Pars Solice” in their epic battle against the forces of darkness.

    Guild vision and organization:

    We are a guild that puts stock in the person behind the graphic character, and less on the character itself. The guild should be a community of players that all enjoy the company they keep.

    I am in NY (-5:00) EST, but you do not have to be in the same time zone to join the guild; there may be times where fewer players are online, but as we continue to grow, this will change. The goal is to have a server presence 24 x7.

    The plan is to have regularly scheduled raids, treasure hunts, guild meetings, role playing sessions (for those who are interested), PvP sessions and challenges, as well as participation in special events put on by Turbine. It will not all happen all at once, but that is the goal for the near future.

    Oh, and of course a guild skip with all the amenities. This will take a bit of time, but with everyone’s help, it will happen sooner than later.

    The structure will be very flat and somewhat different than many other guilds. The main voice is and should be that of the guild body of members. Officers will be elected officials of the guild, and will be primarily responsible for making sure all administrative duties are covered, and work to help other guild members, and to serve the guild body as a duly elected official should. The election process will mirror that of a free society.

    Guild rules:

    * Be respectful of other guild members and everyone else you come in contact with while you wear the guild tag. – This means acting in a respectful and dignified manner.

    * Be 18 years of age or older and register your guided characters on the guild site.

    If you are interested, please be aware that at the time of this posting Oxzide is level 4 and the guild is also at level 4.

    If you are interested, please send me a PM, reply to the thread, or register on the guild site.

    Guild Site:

    Guild Application URL:
    Last edited by darkmauler3; 03-13-2011 at 07:48 PM.

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