Ok kids, it's time for another how-to-run-the-shroud review. I know I've written on this topic a lot, but if movies have taught me nothing else...
This quarter we're going to stick to one very important point. I don't want to confuse anyone here - I don't want to give everyone too much to think about. If you remember only one thing from this post (and there's only one thing in this post):Wooderson: That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.
~ it is your responsibility to get out of the shroud if you want to leave early ~
let me write that the other way -
~ it is not my responsibility to get you out of the shroud if you want to leave early ~
think of those two things like heads and tails of the same coin. like the sign at mcdonalds that says "draw only one shake at a time" and the other, hand written sign, that says "do not draw two shakes at a time".
If you want out: leave. go now. do it. I don't care who you think you are. I don't care if you are both healers and one of you is me: take off bro, the gettin' has never been better.
I can't tell you how tired I am of explaining this. Every single shroud. When the door goes up, get out. But let me stop you right there: whatever do we do if there is no door?
Five awesome ways to get out of the shroud with out finishing:
1. recall
2. /death
3. teleport spell / teleport item / teleport scroll
4. *bonus: (turbine doesn't pay me to offer this option): teleport rod
5. alt f4
Please. stop making me yell at you. I don't want to do that. Stop calling me names. Stop making it my problem that you want to make a poor questing choice. If you want to leave: just leave.
we'll talk again this summer I'm sure.