Yes thats right collecting 1,000,000 Antique Bronze Tokens (ABT)
Current total = 136k
To reach this goal of 1,000,000 Antique Bronze Token Chalenge (ABT) I will farm and trade for them.
Everyting on the list below is for sale and only accepting ABT for them.
Donations of ABT are accepted any time
To purchase anything on the list simply send a in game mail to ABtokens with your order on what you want and your payment in ABT,
your order will be filled and sent back to you asap (if your order some reason cant be filled your ABT will be returned)
Majors Mana Pots = 150 each (200 available)
Shroud Ing
Scales = 50
Stones = 50
Shrapnals = 50
Bones = 25
Arrows = 50
Chains = 25
Scales = 150
Stones = 150
Shrapnals = 100
Bones = 50
Arrows = 50
Chains = 50
Scales = 2500
Stones = 1500
Shrapnals = 1000
Bones = 250
Arrows = 500
Chains = 500
Vale Ing
Funk = 500
Twig = 500
Pebbles = 400
Fungus = 300
Petal = 50
Husk = 100
Green Steal Blanks
Items = 2500
Weapons = 3k (+500 for horn use)
Pie Only = 500 you provide the ing and ill craft your blank
Epic Scrolls:
helm = 5k
belt = 5k (sold out atm)
ring = 5k
hammer = 5k
Cloak = 20k
Gloves = 10k (sold out atm)
Bracers = 10k (sold out atm)
Boots = 10k
Helm = 10k (sold out atm)
Docent = 5k
goggles = 5k
gem = 5k
Axe = 5k
Robe = 4k
Staff = 2k
xbow = 2k
Armor = 2k
hvy chain = 2k
crown = 2k
fang = 3k
Red Fens:
soul eater = 3k
robe = 3k
bow = 5k
boots = 2k
Other Crafting
keepsake = 2k (sold out atm)
Blood = 1k (sold out atm)
Iron = 500
artifact = 500
Dragon Scales
White - 500 each (10k for full set of 25)
Black - 500 each (10k for full set of 25)
Blue - 700 each (sold out atm)
Tome: Legends
Tome III: Legend VIII - 2500
Tome VI: Legend VI - 2500
Shield Peices
Peice I - 2k
Peice II - 2k
peice III - 5k
peice IV - 5k
Peice V - 2k
Peice VI - 2k
Peice VII - 2k
Peice VIII - 2k
Full Set - 15k