ill just get more bank slots
Add a few more chrono scrolls like helm and cloak freshly pulled today
When you get more pie/ingredients i've got 3k bronze for a khopesh blank.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
yes ill post here when I'am able to craft green steals again. Hopefuly ill get some twigs and funks with some of the scrolls I'am auctioning off here on the forums.
but im going to be stuck farming chrono scrolls for a bit untell i get the bracers scroll im hunting for.
Last edited by Purgatory; 03-22-2011 at 04:05 AM.
Added a bunch of stuff
If you have tokens and looking for things not on this list let me know, ill go get it for you!
Alright mailing 3k bronze as soon as I get in the game
*Edit* Mailed to acein
*Double edit* Quickly made and mailed, thanks for your business and good luck to a million!
Also I suspect legion will be hitting guild level 100 soon(Tm).
Last edited by sirdanile; 03-23-2011 at 05:52 PM.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
na not 100 maybe 85, that probly take 3 mil tokens, since we not realy getting any kind of guild size bonus, or more to get to 100 for us.
Already traded probly about 40-60 mil plat worth of gear so far to get
to where im at atm so are that just over 11% of my goal, lol so that probly not gona happen, once i hit 1 mil im done, that just my personal goal so that what I want to accomplish. The side effect is ya we get renown but the main thing is to have the largest known collection and the first one to collect 1 mil tokens, not saying turning them in is not gona be fun lol.
when this all said in done id probly will of ended up tradeing 300-500 million worth of plat in goods.. is that worth a few guild lvls? probly not but its only plat.
Thanks for the feed back! I try and check my guys mail 3-4 times aday for orders and fill them as soon as I see them there in my mail.
That way everyone gets there stuff as soon as I know about it and there not much waiting around, longest anyone would have to wait is if they order something right after i loged off for the day or night and would have to wait tell i woke up or returned home as id check my mail first thing before playing.
Last edited by Purgatory; 03-23-2011 at 06:23 PM.
We hit 120k just a few min ago! 12% done!
Still got a good lead on argo, in the see who first to 1 million token chalenge! Lets not give them a chance to catch up.
I really, really love this project of yours and hope to do some business with you soon.
Off to farm some ABTs...
Update because i know you all want to know were we are at here.
136k not to shaby
Any progress since the 136k? looks like an interesting challenge
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
Been getting alot pm's since last time I been able to log onto the forums.
I'm currently not in game and unable to access my in game account. So i wont be around to do any trades so this program is suspended untell further notice.
Those that sent tokens within the last mounth have nothing to worry about. They will be returned soon as the mail timer is up.
Save you tokens If i come back to the game ill be sure to go back to collecting them again.
I think im at around 150k so still got a ways to go if and when i can get back to playing.
I havent been making any plans to get back into game latley so probly wont be back for awhile. Fact of the matter is i been trying to fill up my time by taking more classes instead of trying to get high speed or look for a place that has it.
Good luck on your real life quests!
«Castielle» (Sorc) ??* Embyrr (Sorc) ??* «Serreniti» (Wiz) ??* Knuttz (Sorc) ??* Castiel (Wiz) ??* Sakarra (Bard) ??* Sakara (Bard) ??* Callistto (Bard)
??* Chaaos (FvS) ??* Serrenity (Cleric) ??* Vorpel (Batman) ??* Sylverr (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyx (Exploiter) ??* Phoenyxx (Pal) ??* Trainquill (Monk)